Marvel Legends-Spiral

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Transformer Kamen
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Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:55 am

Marvel Legends-Spiral

Post by Transformer Kamen »

I think these have been out for quite some time, but I just picked one up today on impulse.

The figure in question is the Target exclusive Spiral, the six-armed mystic assassin and bodyguard in the "employ" of Mojo from the X-Men comics. She's always been one of my favorite obscure characters, so I couldn't resist the opportunity.

Overall, I'm quite pleased. The plastic is sturdy, though her two swords are a little soft (likely for safety concerns, and was expected). She has nice articulation (not even counting all six arms :p); all joints are very tight out of the box. Her legs are jointed a bit strangely, though, and I would have liked a bicep swivel. The swivel at the wrists is nice, at least. Her hands come in a variety of positions, and she can hold her swords in any save one, which is sculpted in an open position.

Spiral comes with two swords, a cutlass and a straight blade. I had hoped she would come with six, though that might have been excessive. She also comes with a sheathed blade, seems to be another cutlass, that has a shoulder strap, a removable helmet, and a, supposedly, removable belt. The helmet is pretty sweet, and the sword gives her the appearance of more weapons. Nice!

The decapitated head of Red Hulk is included as well. Spiral takes no prisoners!


Any of the other Marvel Legends any good?
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