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TF:TM without New Characters

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 12:17 am
by Blitzwing
(I was hoping to post this in its entirety, but since I've been short of free time the last little bit, I don't know when I'll get around to finishing the rest, so here is my fanfic. It doesn't really have a name, besides TF:TM w/o New Characters)

This Fanfic tells the story of what TF:TM would have been, had there not been any new characters introduced. Only Cybertronian Transformers from seasons 1 and 2 of the cartoon will appear in this Fanfic. This Fanfic was inspired by a thread on the message board. Transformers is owned and copyrighted by Sunbow, Hasbro, Marvel… blah, blah, blah…

Laserbeak had been sent by Soundwave on a mission to spy on Optimus Prime and the other Autobots on Moon Base 1. He had been on hundreds of missions just like this one, and it was almost routine for him now. Laserbeak perched himself by a window on the roof of the Command Centre of Moon Base 1. A camera appeared from his head and he was able to pick up the sounds from within the Command Centre. Optimus Prime was sitting at a command chair, almost like a throne. Cosmos and Grimlock were looking into screens that showed various places on Cybertron.
“Me sick of waiting Prime,” said the Dinobot Commander, “Me want to bash Decepticons! When me and my Dinobots get chance?”
“Patience Grimlock,” said Optimus, “We don’t have enough energon cubes to power a full scale assault. I’m sending a shuttle to Autobot City on Earth to retrieve reinforcements and enough energon cubes to power our retaking of Cybertron.”
“Bah!” yelled Grimlock, “Us not need reinforcements, me and my Dinobots bash Decepticons without energon cubes, and without reinforcements.”
“That’s just the attitude we don’t need Grimlock,” began Optimus, “We can’t underestimate the power of the Decepticons. We did that before, and they were able to take Cybertron. Now it is up to us to learn from our mistakes and take back our home planet. Cosmos!”
“Yes Prime,” said the green rotund Autobot.
“Ready the shuttle for launch.”
“Yes sir,” said Cosmos as he ran out to wear the shuttle was leaving.
Laserbeak had seen enough. He took off back to Decepticon Headquarters on Cybertron.
“Grimlock, report security status.”
“No sign of Decepticons hear.”
“What about Moon Base 2?”
“Grimlock to Moon Base 2, Grimlock to Moon Base 2, any Decepticons in area?”
Silverbolt and Spike appeared on the screen. “No sign of Decepticons here,” said Silverbolt.
Spike pressed a button on his control consul and Beachcomber and Bumblebee, who were on the shuttle ready to go to Earth, appeared on the screen. “Hey Bumblebee, tell my son Daniel I miss him, and tell him not to worry. I’ll be coming home as soon as we’ve kicked Megatron’s tail across the galaxy.”
“Will do Spike,” replied Bumblebee as he gave him the thumbs up sign.
“Slingshot, commence countdown,” ordered Optimus Prime.
“Five, four, three, two, one, blast off!”
The shuttle took to the air with its engines blazing. Optimus, Grimlock, and the other Dinobots were outside to see it off.
“Now,” said Optimus, “All we need is a little energon, and a lot of luck.”
“Bah!” said Grimlock, “Real warriors need no luck.”

“Laserbeak returns Megatron,” Shockwave observed as the winged Decepticon returned to Headquarters and landed on Megatron’s arm.
“Ah, welcome Laserbeak, unlike some of my other warriors, you never fail me,” said Megatron as he shot a glance in Starscream’s direction. Starscream gasped as if he were surprised that Megatron would make fun of him.
“Soundwave, play back Laserbeak’s findings.”
Soundwave transformed to Stereo mode as Laserbeak transformed to Cassette mode and went inside of the panel in Soundwave’s chest. Soundwave plugged himself into the large screen and played the video that showed the Optimus Prime’s plans.
“Well,” said Megatron, “We can’t let this shuttle get to Earth. Starscream! Get my best Decepticons ready for a full scale attack on the shuttle.”
“But what do we need a full scale attack for when its just a measly Autobot shuttle?” asked the red and white Seeker.
“Don’t question my orders!” yelled an enraged Megatron.
“Fine,” said Starscream as he left to alert the other Decepticons.
“Shockwave, you stay here and make sure no Autobots from either of the Moon Bases try anything.”
“Yes sir Megatron,” said Shockwave as Megatron and Soundwave left to join the other Decepticons.

Bumblebee sat at the controls of the Shuttle. He was very bored, and very annoyed at Beachcomber and Huffer who hadn’t stopped arguing since they left Moon Base 1. Cosmos and Gears hadn’t said much throughout the whole flight.
“Hey guys,” said Bumblebee, “check out this trick flying.”
Bumblebee sped up the ship and spun in a spiral. Gravity control was on, so nobody turned upside down or anything, but it was still a pretty difficult manoeuvre.
“Pretty good eh?” said Bumblebee with a smile on his face.
“Big deal,” said Beachcomber, “I could do that with my optics turned off.”
“Yeah,” said Huffer, “I could have done that with only one hand on the control consul.”
“Fine,” said Bumblebee, “See the asteroid belt up ahead? I’ll make it right through there without any radar. Just the screen in front of me.”
“You can’t do that,” said Gears, “What if something came at us from behind? We wouldn’t know its coming.”
“Don’t worry,” said Bumblebee, “It’ll only be for through the asteroid belt, what are the odds of somebody coming after us in that short period of time?”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” said Gears.
“Fine,” said Bumblebee.
“No, no,” said Huffer, “I want to see the look on his face when he dents the haul of the ship on one of these asteroids. Lets see you do it Bumblebee.”
“Good,” said Bumblebee.
Gears rolled his optics and turned off the radar. Bumblebee entered the asteroid belt and started dodging things left and right. He just barely missed an asteroid when all of a sudden he was heading strait for another one. At the last second, he pulled up and was clear of the asteroid belt.
“Hah!” said Bumblebee, “I did it.”
“Beginners luck,” said Huffer.
“You’re just…”
Bumblebee wasn’t able to finish his sentence, because at that moment, a whole was blown right through the side of the shuttle.
“Megatron!” yelled Huffer. Huffer charged the Decepticons, but Megatron had quickly transformed to gun mode and landed in Starscream’s hand. Starscream blasted a whole that went strait through Huffer’s chest. Gears and Cosmos took cover behind two chairs. Bumblebee and Beachcomber started firing on the Decepticons. They were severely outnumbered and were bombarded by shots from over a dozen different Decepticons. Bumblebee went down after a blast to the midsection by Hook and Beachcomber went down after a blast to the head by Dragstrip. Cosmos and Gears glanced at each other.
“We might as well die standing up,” said Gears.
The two of them jumped up from behind the chairs but before either could get a shot off they were both blasted by all the Decepticons and were knocked all the way back into the view screen at the front of the ship. Megatron transformed back to robot mode and looked at the mess of Autobot parts on the floor.
“This was almost too easy Starscream.”
“Much easier, almighty Megatron, then attacking the real threat, the Autobot’s Moon Base!”
“You’re an idiot Starscream, when we slip by their early warning systems in their own shuttle and destroy Autobot City, the Autobots will be vanquished forever.”
“No!” said Bumblebee as he crawled to Megatron’s feet and grabbed his leg.
“Such heroic nonsense,” Megatron said with a jeer on his face. He blasted his fusion cannon point blank at Bumblebee’s head. Bumblebee’s head was burned beyond recognition and his body jerked as all signs of life slowly slipped away.

Daniel was sitting in front of a lake with Sideswipe. The two of them had been fishing for the past hour.
“Fish are jumping today, huh Sideswipe?” Daniel said to the red Autobot.
“Sure,” Sideswipe said unenthusiastically. Sideswipe was stuck babysitting Spike’s son while Spike was away on Moon Base 1 and his wife Carly was in Europe at a diplomatic meeting. Sideswipe hated babysitting the little brat, but he never let on that he didn’t like the kid. Suddenly Sideswipe’s fishing line started spinning.
“Hey,” said Daniel, “You caught something, reel it in.”
Sideswipe started reeling the fish in. Unfortunately the fish managed to get away before he could pull it in.
“I hate fishing,” said Sideswipe.
Daniel pulled out something from his pocket. He looked at Sideswipe and said, “Hey Sideswipe, the shuttle’s coming, lets watch it land.”
Sideswipe figured it was better than doing this so he agreed. Daniel hopped on his airboard and Sideswipe followed him on foot. Daniel managed to hit a rock and break his board, but Sideswipe caught him before he fell.
“If you’re gonna ride Dan-o, ride in style,” said Sideswipe as he transformed to his Lamborghini mode. Daniel looked out at the view from inside of Sideswipe and said, “Hey Sideswipe, lets stop here.”
“Why settle for a peek Daniel, when you can see everything from look out mountain.”
Sideswipe sped up and headed for the lookout point on the top of the mountain. He saw a group of Autobots working on the road behind a large roadblock that said, “STOP” on it. Sideswipe saw Trailbreaker, Mirage, Bluestreak and Hound working on it, with Ironhide giving orders. Sideswipe never liked Ironhide and figured that it would be fun to ruin his precious work by blowing right by him and his stupid sign. He sped up, and Trailbreaker, Mirage, Bluestreak and Hound all jumped out of the way. Ironhide stood behind the sign but jumped out of the way at the last second as Sideswipe blew right through the sign without slowing down.
“Turbo-revving young punk,” said Ironhide, “I’ll straighten you out yet.”
Sideswipe stopped when they made it to the look out point, then transformed as soon as Daniel got out. Daniel ran to the viewing area where he could get a close up look at the shuttle, as it was about to land. Sideswipe stood behind him admiring the view.
“Hey Sideswipe,” said Daniel, “There’s a hole in the shuttle!”
“What?” said Sideswipe as he took a closer look. He saw the whole and also spotted Starscream standing right by it.
“Decepticons!” said Sideswipe as he began to open fire on the shuttle. He managed to knock Starscream over.
Ironhide saw him firing at the shuttle from back at the roadblock.
“What’s that damn fool doing?” asked Ironhide, “I’m going to check him out, Trailbreaker, you’re in charge until I get back.”
Ironhide transformed and made his way to the top of the look out point.
On the ship, Megatron was furious. “Starscream, you idiot! Now our cover is blown! Decepticons attack!”
The Decepticons all started piling out of the ship and making their way to Autobot City on their own. Megatron took a couple shots at the Autobot who was firing on them. He blew the entire looking point up and Sideswipe and Daniel began to fall to the ground below. Sideswipe managed to catch Daniel as they fell to the ground and land on his feet. Brawl landed on the ground in front of them.
“This’ll be fun,” said Brawl as he transformed to tank mode and aimed toward Sideswipe. Shrapnel swooped down over him and headed for Sideswipe too. Brawl waited for Shrapnel to get out of the way before he could take his shot, but as he was waiting, Ironhide creped up behind him and lifted his turret seconds before he fired his blast. The blast went right over Sideswipe and hit Shrapnel in the back. Shrapnel went flying into the side of the mountain. He bounced back and fell into Brawl and the two of them were knocked further down the steep hill.
“Not bad for an old-timer,” commented Sideswipe.
“Old timer? That’s something you’ll never be if you don’t get back to the city.”
Just then Starscream swooped down in jet mode and fired a couple shots at them, luckily missing.
“Save it Ironhide,” said Sideswipe as they regrouped. “Lets burn rubber!” The two of them transformed and headed back for Autobot City.

Trailbreaker was leading Mirage, Hound and Bluestreak back to Autobot City. Thrust, Dirge and Ramjet were right on their tails and weren’t making their trip easy. Trailbreaker was busy dodging enemy fire, and wasn’t able to radio Prowl and the other Autobots at the City about the Decepticons. Thrust fired a missile and it blew up right in front of Trailbreaker. The ground had a small crater that was large enough to make Trailbreaker flip over. Mirage, Hound and Bluestreak put on their brakes, transformed and turned around. Dirge sent a missile at them and they all jumped out of the way for cover. Ramjet dived down into Trailbreaker just as he transformed into robot mode. He was going to ram his nose strait through the Autobot, but Trailbreaker put up a force field at the last second, and Ramjet deflected off the force field and back into the air. He regained his composure and transformed to robot mode and hovered in the air with Dirge and Thrust. They took shots at the Autobots who were stuck on the ground and were easy targets.
“We got to knock them out of the air somehow,” said Hound.
Bluestreak took a shot at Dirge and just missed him by a foot. “Why don’t you use a hologram or something,” he said.
“Alright, I got a plan,” said Mirage. “You three take cover, and I’ll go invisible. Then you make ten different holograms of me all over the place, and they won’t know which one I am. Then you make several different holograms of you, Bluestreak and Trailbreaker, and while they’re trying to shoot the holograms, we’ll knock them out of the sky.”
“Hey,” said Thrust, “One of them just went invisible.”
“And those other cowards are hiding behind those rocks,” said Ramjet.
Suddenly ten different Mirages showed up. “Which one is the real one?” asked Dirge.
“Who cares,” said Ramjet, “Lets kill them all.”
He began firing at random Mirages but it didn’t seem to help. Suddenly there were now several different images of the other three Autobots too.
“I don’t know which one to shoot,” yelled Thrust. Suddenly he was knocked out of the air by a shot from the real Bluestreak.
“Which one fired that shot?” asked Dirge. But he was knocked out of the air by Trailbreaker before he got an answer.
“I won’t let you fools trick me!” exclaimed Ramjet as he swooped down to the ground and began shooting anything moving. Suddenly the real Mirage showed up and jumped on him. He shot Ramjet at point blank range and Ramjet crashed to the ground.
“Lets get out of here,” said Hound as they all transformed and headed back to the City.

Perceptor transformed to his telescope mode and estimated the amount of Decepticons that were currently heading in their area. He transformed to robot mode just as Prowl, Sunstreaker, Inferno, Tracks and Smokescreen came up to them.
“Prowl, a cursory evaluation of Decepticon capabilities indicates a distinct tactical deficiency.”
“In other words,” asked Prowl.
“We’re outnumbered,” said Tracks as he took a shot at Thundercracker who fired a missile at them that sent them all diving into the ground.
“Tracks,” began Prowl, “You and Sunstreaker go transform Autobot City. Perceptor, go tell Blaster to radio Prime for reinforcements.”
The four Autobots all transformed and headed for their destinations.
“What about us?” asked Inferno.
“You and Smokescreen can help me alert the others.”
Tracks and Sunstreaker transformed to robot mode as they made their way to the control panels of Autobot City. They started pressing buttons and pulling panels that began the slow process of transforming the beautiful city into a horrific battle fortress. Glimmering white walls were replaced by the cold steal of cannons. Smooth shinning surfaces were turned into trenches filled with guns and tanks.
The fierce battle station didn’t impress Megatron. “Breach their defences!” he screamed as his Decepticons began their assault upon the Autobot’s home. The walls of Autobots City were riddled with explosions and gunfire. Debris from cannons fell to the ground in a blazing fire. The Decepticons wiped the City’s primary weapons and penetrated the city.
Autobots scurried all over the city setting up defences. Sunstreaker and Tracks made their way outside of the control centre in vehicle mode. Starscream caught a glimpse of them and began following them, lighting their path with laser fire. Starscream swooped down to ground level as he closed the gap between him and the two Autobots. He was so focused on hitting his targets that he didn’t notice that they were headed for a gateway that was closing. The two Autobots managed to get inside the gate a split second before it closed up. Starscream quickly transformed and tried to slow down but he slammed right into the gate. He bounced off the wall with a thud and fell to the ground. He quickly regained his composure as he saw the gap above him begin to seal. He quickly took the air and made his way out, but his foot was caught in between the enclosing roof. He had to shoot his way out and damaged his foot in the process.
On another side of the city, Blaster was having a very hard time trying to pick off incoming Decepticons from within the command fortress. Perceptor popped his head in and said, “Blaster, Prowl sends orders to contact Optimus Prime on Moon Base 1.
“Alright, cover your receptors, Perceptor!” said Blaster as he transformed to his stereo mode. He hooked himself up to the command station and began relaying a message. “Optimus Prime, do you read me? The Decepticons are blitzing Autobots City. We’re really taking a pounding, don’t know how much longer we can hold out.” He repeated the message over and over several times.
Soundwave and Megatron were nearby firing at an Autobot stronghold. Soundwave intercepted the radio waves and informed Megatron of the situation.
“Jam that transmission,” ordered the leader of the Decepticons.
“Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Buzzsaw, eject. Operation: interference.”
The four Decepticons jumped out of his chest in cassette mode and transformed into their battle modes. They landed on top of the fortress and destroyed the satellite Blaster was using to send his message to Prime.
“First we crack the shell, then we cracked the nuts inside!” yelled Rumble as he and Frenzy pounded on the roof of the fortress until they broke through and jumped into it. The four Decepticons all landed on Perceptor and began attacking him.
“Run Blaster, save yourself!”
“No way!” said Blaster as he shot Ravage off of Perceptor, “Two can play.”
Blaster ran to Perceptor and the Decepticons. He knocked Rumble off of his back and then kicked Frenzy into a wall. Buzzsaw began to fire shots at his head from above, but Blaster nailed him out of the sky with his gun. Rumble, Frenzy and Ravage regained their composure. Blaster quickly charged at Frenzy pounding him into the wall just as Rumble and Ravage knocked Perceptor over. Blaster fired another shot at Ravage that knocked him out this time. Rumble began pounding on the floor but Blaster had jumped into the air and, in one smooth motion, did a flip in the air towards Rumbles direction and kicked the Decepticon in the head knocking him into a wall. Blaster helped Perceptor to his feet.
“I hope you got through to Prime,” said Perceptor.
“Lets hope so, because if I didn’t we’re all gonna look like burned out toaster ovens.”

Please visit theTF Mausoleum
"Nobody kills Kakarot while I'm around. Destiny has reserved that pleasure for me!"
-Vegita, Android Saga.
Who Am I winners: Kickback

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 1:10 am
by Blaster_86
Everybody hates Bumblebee Image

Optimus Prime do you read me the Decepticons are blitzing Autobot city, we're really taking a pounding; dunno how much longer we can hold out-Blaster in Tf:TM
Thanks to Dai our tea boy for this sig.
No Way Two Can Play

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 1:19 am
by Redstreak
Sideswipe?! Sideswipe?!

Heh heh, cool.


Thanks to Skycat for the sig pic!
Come on down to RCOSD & Redstreak's basement, where torture and pain are our game.

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 1:42 am
by Blaster_86
Ugh you know what I just noticed.

Blaster- Look out and shout. OWWW.
Hey Perceptor whats shakin, other then this fortress.

They missed it

Optimus Prime do you read me the Decepticons are blitzing Autobot city, we're really taking a pounding; dunno how much longer we can hold out-Blaster in Tf:TM
Thanks to Dai our tea boy for this sig.
No Way Two Can Play

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 10:52 am
by BlueBlaster
Originally posted by Blaster_86:
Ugh you know what I just noticed.

Blaster- Look out and shout. OWWW.
Hey Perceptor whats shakin, other then this fortress.

They missed it

*Starting to make notes "Nobody is perfect"*


This always happens to me at new year's eve!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 3:10 am
by Prowl?
Originally posted by Blaster_86:
Ugh you know what I just noticed.

Blaster- Look out and shout. OWWW.
Hey Perceptor whats shakin, other then this fortress.

They missed it

Who cares about that stupid line, this 're-mix' of TF-TM is absolutly friggin insanely STUPENDOUS! I love it! All the right characters die, all the right characters are in the right roles, season 2 bots seem to be much more represented, and it captures the spirit of G1 magnificently. Blitzwing, I have read your 'Third coming' fanfic on Sky's webpage, and after reading this, I think you truly have a gift for writing. Please, please, please, PLEASE follow this up! Great stuff!

Send comments, insults, taunts and death threats to:
icq: 41853296

Sig space courtesy of Thundercracker84
screw geocities and Angelfire

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 5:18 am
by OmegaDenmad
Funny--- many people say Tracks has... "undefined sexual circuits" ( Image ) but he basically gets to replace Springer in Autobot city? Image

Ugliest. Sig. Ever.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 8:55 am
by Silly Cow
Hate it, hate it! Just for that one reason, I hate it.

Tracks, of all the autobots to replace Springer. Tracks! That's like making a new version of Indiana Jones and putting Leonardo di Caprio in lead role.

Hate it!

-Afraid I was going to leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?
-I'd just as soon kiss a wookiee.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 8:57 pm
by sprites touch
what Prowl? said Image

Also the way it's written I'm not sure how Megs/OP fight gonna end up, and will we have a new leader.
hope both this and "third coming" get a folloow up Image Image
great job Blitzwing, you truly are giffted.


Drink excesive, beer limited !
Original artwork by Dan Khanna

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 1:48 am
by Blitzwing
Thanks guys, I'm going to get part two of this fanfic done before the weekend is over, but I don't know how long it will take before the entire thing is done because I'm going to have to go back to school on Monday. Lets hope I get some free time though.

Please visit theTF Mausoleum
"Nobody kills Kakarot while I'm around. Destiny has reserved that pleasure for me!"
-Vegita, Android Saga.
Who Am I winners: Kickback

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 2:48 am
by cosmotron

Image Megatron tougher then Galvatron? THIS IS BAD COMEDY!

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 3:12 am
by nmathew
I really enjoyed reading this. It does a good job with the characters allowed, plus Ironhide doesn't die :-) I'm looking forward to Prime/Magatron's fight.

This space for rent until I get a real sig.

Thanks to Brendocon, I now occupy Wildfur's old dumpster.

Yes, 1 T. I know it's wrong, but that's just how my drunken ancestors did it, alright?
Nexium class action lawsuit