[G1 RPG] Terminus: The Chessmaster (Iacon)

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Post by Aero Blade »

Aero Blade's Lab, Iacon Science District

There would be another intercom panel, but this time the voice coming from it wasn't a program, but isntead speaking in minicon.

"Oiy, don't you guys know what a call button is?"

The automated door would slide open, just in time for an entirely different voice inside to be heard saying "Stratus, be nice," in standard.
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

Thundercracker tilted his head at the Mini-Con speak. His Mini-Conese was rusty, but he did understand the gist of what Stratus was saying. "Uh... sorry?"

The Seeker glanced around until he saw Dirge and another Autobot who he presumed to be Aero Blade. "Dirge!" Thundercracker said, and he can't help but smile. "What up?"
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Post by zigzagger »

ISS Holding Facility

Hot Spot strode down the short pathway to the east side entrance to the Holding Facility.

Once more he held the door open, allowing the officers pulling Deftwing along to enter first, and gesturing Jazz and Steeljaw to follow.

"To tell you the truth," he admitted to the Autobot feline. "I'm a little embarrassed we didn't catch on sooner. Sure, Red didn't think much of Deftwing, but--" The once-Protectobot chuckled. "Well, you know how he can be sometimes. Guess we were too close to see what was happening right under our olfactories. Then again, who would've suspected our resident JAG? Makes sense the more--hold on klik..."

The Captain stopped in front of the security chamber. Here, the holding cells were sectioned off from the rest of the facility. Hot Spot knocked at the window. "We're headed to the vibro-cell. Have someone here we need to drop off." He jutted his thumb back at the unconscious attorney.

The functionary behind the glass squinted at the prisoner in tow. His optics widened when he realized who had been brought in. "You can't be serious," the guard blurted out incredulously.

"Afraid I am," the Captain replied. "You'll get the report, but in the meantime keep it to yourselves. As far as everyone's concerned, Deftwing's not here. Got it?"

"Of course, sir."

The door separating the two sections unlatched and slid open. Hotspot moved past the control room and through the entrance.

"Heh, for the all the good that does," he said as an aside to Jazz and Steeljaw. "What with the scene we made in the HQ's lobby. Going to be tricky keeping this one a secret..."

He led them along an aisle of cells. Some were occupied; mostly with rioters and assorted troublemakers from the demonstration at the Decagon and Autobase. No major offenders. They would be released by the end of the solar cycle. Hot Spot paid them little mind as he walked by.

"Aw, c'mon. I thought you guys were supposed to be on our side."

"Just ignore them. We're letting them cool down for a bit," He assured the pair of Autobots. "Anyway... thanks to DW, the next few months here at the ISS are going to be hell. All the suspicion. Everyone wondering who else was on his payroll. Even I'm a little curious who else he recruited from here..."

The Protectobot narrowed his optics. "The betrayal and masterminding the Sundor assassination aside, I think I hate him even more now for fomenting distrust among us."

They turned a corner and went down a short corridor.

At the end was a large vault. In spite of its appearance, it was another holding cell. But, unlike the rest in the facility, this one was completely closed off. Hot Spot went for the control panel and worked the keypad.

The Captain then stepped back, clearing the breadth of the giant door as it opened. He looked back at the officers propping up Deftwing.

"All right, guys. Put him in."


Iacon Security Service HQ

(OOC: * - In my previous post, Red Alert was originally supposed to overhear the commotion happening on the other line and comment, but I completely spaced it. Actually, the ISS HQ section should've came after the first 'Arena Floor' portion, with said response included. Whoops. No sense fixing it now, though. Just assume Red's pissed about it, I guess.)

"It's all regrettable, sure," Red Alert said with an air of sincerity. "Just remember -- you saved a lot of lives today and prevented further ISS casualties. Hokey as this is going to sound, if that doesn't make you a hero, I sure as hell dont know what does." He shrugged. "That, or I'm in the wrong profession."

The Security Director glanced down at the built-in PDA on his forearm. "Need to get in touch with Silverbolt, so we're going to have to wrap this up," he told Clampdown. "I'm looking at my log here, and it says someone did contact the IMR dispatch center. Presumably there. They're en route and should be there shortly--

"Other than that, thanks for the update and I'll see you back at headquarters."

Red Alert ended the call and opened a new channel. "Silverbolt? It's Red Alert," he said. "Word has it you went after our missing Aerialbot. Is he in custody?"


Autobot Reconstruction Party Campaign Headquarters

First Aid waved to the police convoy, then turned away and followed Ramhorn back inside to collect his tool kit.

"It's been awhile since I operated on an assassin where nothing terrible happened to me," the Chief Medical Officer quipped. "Not that I'm complaining, of course."


The Imperial Amphitheater, Quadrant Epsilon

Streetwise had made it as far as the archway of the grand entrance when the IMR convoy rushed past him to the arena floor. He winced as their sirens rebounded off the walls of the passageway.

The Protectobot dropped his crutch and nearly feel over in relief, but was caught by a medical officer. "I got you," he said, swinging the Detective's arm over his shoulder. "Let's get you outside to a transport."

"Thanks, but don't worry about me," Streetwise insisted. "I'm still conscious. Get to the others."


A medical transport rolled to a stop near the tunnel leading under the stadium, not far from where Clampdown waited.

The side hatch flipped open and Sireen and Rest-Q came down the boarding ramp.

The former was small in stature, rectangular-shaped and outfitted with an overhead storage rack. His companion, Rest-Q, was of the popular 'C-13' make. A 'minibot' in the common vernacular. He held a stretcher under his arm.

Rest-Q brushed past Clampdown. "K0Min' Thr0U9H, 5IR," he blurted out in an unusual dialect.

(OOC: Sigh...man, these characters with their silly vocal tics. The 'l33t' speak was the only way I could make it come across as a foreign language, since I'm limited on font choices. If you're having trouble understanding Rest-Q, this'll 'translate' everything for you: http://www.jayssite.com/stuff/l33t/l33t_translator.html)

It took a moment before the white minibot realized that the body at the Sergeant's feet was Blades. "uH..51R33n? JOo'd 83773R 74K3 4 lOOk @ 7h15."

"What is..?" Sireen moved in for a closer look. "Oh! Is--is that who I think it is?"

"L00x 7H@ W4Y."

"That's-- that's terrible." The medical officer paused. "Sooo... who's going to break the news to First Aid?"

Rest-Q stared blankly back at him.

Sireen scowled. "Thanks a lot." He slid a diagnostic scanner out from his storage rack and crouched over Blades.

The medic held the instrument over the bullet hole in the former-Protectobot's forehead. The readout was grim.

"Zero neural activity," he said, perhaps confirming the obvious. "That's what I was afraid of. Which means..."

"h3'z 4 Ph4d3r 4nd h4Z'n7 mUch 71M3," Rest-Q interjected. "if wE're 90In' BY R055Um'z triNIty, th@ Iz."

"Yeah." Sireen stowed his tool away and stood up. "Let's get him on board," he motioned his partner to take the Protectobot's feet, "and hook him up to spark support. We might be able to reduce the rate of contractions, at least."

As the minibots lifted Blades's onto the stretcher, Sireen glanced over his shoulder at Clampdown. "What happened here, anyway?"
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Post by Blackjack »

ISS Holding Facility

Jazz whistled as they entered the Holding Facility after Hot Spot and Steeljaw, giving a friendly wave at the guards who questioned the ex-Protectobot.

"Not sure we have to keep it a secret... not for long, anyway. This is going to get out sooner or later, might as well as release the news on our terms." Jazz said out loud. He sighed. "Distrust aside, I think I hate him more for trying to assassinate Hot Rod more than Sundor."

He watched as Deftwing was deposited into the vibro-cell. "Good riddance." Jazz said.

(OOC: Rest-Q's "accent" made me laugh. :))
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Post by Warcry »

Science District

"Your head doesn't look like a hand," Ramjet told Thundercracker, either confused by the word or just trying to get under the other seeker's skin. Then, indignantly, he snapped, "I was not going to headbutt the door. I was going to cluster-missile it. Big difference!"

When they walked down the corridor and found the room that Dirge and his Autobot friends were in (one of them looked familiar -- Ramjet thought he'd shot at him one or twice in the past and decided it'd be best not to mention that), but any fleeting interest he'd felt at seeing Aero Blade disappeared entirely when he caught sight of Dirge.

"Bro!" he shouted. "It's been forever!"

With his typical lack of tact, Ramjet shoved past Thundercracker and barrelled toward Dirge, trying to envelop the other seeker in a bear hug.

"Hero. Right." Clampdown shook his head with unhappiness as Red Alert cut the channel, sure that he'd never agree with that sentiment. He was just a cop, and he was more than happy to leave the heroics to the likes of Rodimus, Silverbolt or, yes, Red himself.

When the medics arrived he didn't pay them much attention, other than vaguely noting the oddness of Rest-Q's accent. When one of them spoke to him, though, thankfully it was his more understandable partner.

"You really don't want to know the details," he told them. And I'm not repeating them with Streetwise in earshot anyway.

"In short, the suspect resisted arrest. He assaulted the responding officers, offlining several, and we needed to use lethal force to eliminate the threat."

Silverbolt responded to Red Alert, the scowl on his face made evident even over the voice connection due to his grumpy tone.

"Thanks to some helpful Decepticons," he said grudgingly, "he is. Could you send a wagon over to collect him? I've spent enough time in his company to last a lifetime."

"I love you too, 'boss'," Slingshot all but spat.

"You're a disgrace to your badge and your team," Silverbolt responded, his voice not raising even a little bit. "Save your venom for someone who cares."

En route to the ISS Holding Facility

Steeljaw gave a feline stretch and told Hot Spot, "Kinda hard to make anything stick on the guy who's job it is to put people in jail. Deftwing probably kept his buddies quiet by making sure they were acquitted whenever they got arrested for doing something anti-Con."

"I don't think you need to worry about that." Glancing at the bureaucrat at the holding cells, he hissed before turning back to Hot Spot and saying, "If anyone squeals they'll have me hunting them down. Your people look pretty bright. I don't think that's a chance they want to take, chief."

The convicts got a more threatening growl and a mouthful of bared teeth as they walked farther down the cell block, and most of them were smart enough to keep their hands firmly on their side of the bars as the cat walked by.

"Distrust's always going to be a thing, Hot Spot. It's how we're wired. There's always got to be an enemy. If it's not 'Cons, it'll be someone else. Political enemies, class enemies, folks with different religions..." Steeljaw shrugged. "That's why Deftwing's garbage is so tempting. The war made life a lot simpler. Now it's hard to know who's on your side."

Autobot Reconstruction Party Campaign Headquarters

"Are you sure?" Ramhorn asked First Aid. "If you miss the action, I could gore you before you head off."

He chuckled at his joke, shaking his head as he walked back inside the building.

"Or maybe I'm just looking for a way to get fired from bodyguard duty. I tell you, nothing makes you feel more useless than guarding someone who leaves you behind while he goes off adventuring on his own."

"Don't worry," a returned Hot Rod said, rolling up with Trailbreaker (presumably) in tow. "I'll take you next time, I promise."

"I don't think you understand how being a VIP is supposed to work," the cassette responded in a grumble.

"Nope," Hot Rod told him as he transformed to robot mode, a huge grin on his face. "And I never plan to learn."
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Post by Blackjack »

Science District

"Oh har har." Thundercracker replied to Ramjet dryly at his confused-sounding comeback.

He couldn't help but smile warmly as Ramjet bullrushed Dirge. He didn't do what Ramjet did, but he did walk over toward Dirge, giving Aero Blade and Stratus a 'sadly, this is normal' look.
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Post by Aero Blade »

Aero Blade's lab, Science District

Dirge had remained neutral as Thundercracker had come in to greet him, deciding to maintain a poker face until he was able to evaluate what exactly they were up to. Whatever he had been expecting, though, he hadn't been prepared for Ramjet's sudden rush at him, taking a started two steps back before the other seeker had managed to grab him into the bearhug. Dirge's pokerface had been replaced by a look of absolute confusion.

Aero Blade had also been startled by the enthusiastic greeting, taking a few steps back as well, and almost activating the security system. He'd openned his mouth (not that they'd see that benieth the face plate) and almost uttered the code words, but stopped just short when he realized Ramjet was hugging Dirge, not trying to maul him. Aero decided to keep back for the moment, and not interfere - they seemed to be genuinely friendly at first glance, so it was best not to get too excited yet.
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Post by Blackjack »

Science District

Thundercracker smiled at Aero Blade. "You must forgive Ramjet. He deals with everything in his life by ramming them at full speed. Even a friendly reunion. Relax... we're not here to cause any trouble."

The Seeker walked around Ramjet and positioned himself where Dirge could see him. "Hello, brother." Thundercracker said, arms folded behind him, with a genuine smile. It has been a long time since he last smiled. "It is good to see you again."
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Post by Aero Blade »

Aero Blade's Lab, Iacon Science District

"Good to hear," Aero Blade answered to Thundercracker, but made little reaction otherwise, just keeping an eye on the situation.

Dirge meanwhile had been effectively trapped by Ramjet, his arms pinned by the other seeker's bearhug. He looked completely taken off-guard by the whole situation, especially by Thundercracker's smile.

"I...why are you guys here?" Dirge finally stammered out.
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

Thundercracker chuckled at Dirge. "Haven't you been paying attention? Friendly reunion... good to see you again... all that mushy stuff? We're here to visit you. We would've bought you those Polyhexian Cookies you like, but Polyhex's gone. Thrust, get in here!"
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Aero Blade's Lab

Post by Chip1123 »

"Just wanted to make sure he didn't shoot you guys first!" Thrust said in reply to Thundercracker as he walked into the room. "I think the last time I saw Dirge was in Altihex, and that wasn't the best of circumstances..." He said, staying back for the moment, unsure of the greeting he would receive.
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

"Aw, come on, Thrust! Dirge's shooting no one." Thundercracker chuckled. "Besides, it's not like we didn't shoot each other when we were on the same side. Or headbutt, in the case of Rammers here."
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Post by Warcry »

Aero Blade's Lab

"Yeah, we're not here to cause any trouble. I mean, we talked about grabbing Dirge and carting him back to Polyhex, but then we figgered out he was here 'cause he wanted ta be and not 'cause you guys had him under arrest, so that didn't seem like a very friendly thing to do, you know? Plus the Impys nuked our houses, so it's not the best place for visiting anymore. Much better to hang out here, where there's still buildings and not so much radiation."

Ramjet reluctantly released his hug when he realized that Dirge wasn't all that enthusiastic about it, and possibly even a little bit put out. It took him a few seconds to realize why. Stepping back, he said, "Yeah, I know, we were on different sides until like three minutes ago. Whatever. We ain't Spinister, we don't care what flag's been flyin' over the place you live. You're still our Dirge, we're still your friends. Always will be. Nothin' you can do ta get ridda us."

He grinned, then glanced over at Thundercracker. "Hey now, that ain't fair! I don't headbutt you guys! I mean, I'm sure I got Starscream a few times when he decided to try and take over, but that's different! And there were those times I did it to Skywarp, but only 'cause me an' Bonecrusher had a bet over how long it'd take before he remembered he could teleport. Which I won, by the way."

The conehead shot a curious look at Aero Blade then, frowning. "We met before, yeah? Don't really remember where, but you look familiar. I hope I haven't headbutted you before. That'd be kinda awkward, and you seem like a nice guy."
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

Thundercracker jerked a thumb at Ramjet and smiled. "What the pencilhead said. I was supposed to be the decoy. I am fairly glad it did not pan out... it's a relatively tacky plan."

Thundercracker sighed as he turned back to Dirge. "Again, what he said. I just still have my high pride and dignity not to be as mushy but pretend I just said what he said." Thundercracker grinned as Ramjet addressed him. "Oh no? You totally did. There was that one time abroad Astrotrain. You headbutted me in my face! And that's not to mention when Skywarp spiked your drink with... whatever the hell he spiked your drink with, and you started headbutting everything from me to Blitzwing to Kickback toyour own reflection in a mirror."

The Seeker glanced at Aero Blade. "Doubtful. If you've met him and he's wearing an Autobrand, you most likely headbutted him. Hell, you flew headfirst into Fortress Maximus when he's in city mode, you crazy maniac."
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Post by Aero Blade »

Aero Blade's Lab

"No, I haven't been headbutted, but I think you have shot at me."

Dirge found himself now staring at Aero Blade with no small amount of further confusion. He had said that statement with such casualness... And here were the other seekers, interacting on friendly terms with an Autobot (or, well, what anyone knew to be an Autobot, as Dirge had found out).

Dirge found his confusion being replaced with a feeling of embarrassment, as well as some sadness. He had given up on the rest of the seekers long ago as evil Decepticons, but here they were now - behaving every bit like respectable bots, discussing some of their old war days. And they had never given up on him...

"Guys. It's... it's good to see you again," Dirge finally managed to say. Was he starting to tear up? Dirge quickly tried to change gears, resisting the urge to rub his optics.

He moved back over to Aero Blade, putting a a hand on the smaller mech's shoulder. "Guys, this is Aero Blade. He helped me get off Cybertron during the evac, helped get me into the 'Bots. I wouldn't have lasted long without his and Hound's help. And that's his partner, Stratus."
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

"Ramjet settling things with guns and not his head? Wait- I just made you sound like a smart guy. But anyway, are you sure it's Ramjet and not Thrust that shot you?" Thundercracker asked Aero Blade

Thundercracker glanced at Dirge and smiled. "Of course."

Thundercracker nodded at Aero Blade. "Nice to meet you, Aero. And Stratus. Your names and kibble imply an air-capable flight mode, which means you two are respectable people." Thundercracker gestured at himself. "I'm Thundercracker, the one with a superiority complex. That's Ramjet, with the headbutting complex. The red guy is Thrust, with... what ridiculous character quirk do you have, Thrust?"

He tilted his head. "Now Hound, we've all met before... is he around?"
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Aero Blade's Lab

Post by Chip1123 »

"Ridiculous character quirk? I don't have a ridiculous character quirk!" Thrust yelled out, momentarily forgetting his fear and charging in. "I'm just smart enough to run away when the odds turn against me. Most would say that's good strategy." He said, tagging the last part on to make sure Thundercracker knew.
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

"Aaaand that's Thrust, the guy with the good strategy complex." Thundercracker finished with a slight grin. "You know, I didn't even say anything about run away..."

The Seeker stopped, and sighed. "I'm turning into 'Warp, aren't I? Just a more polite version of him."
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Post by Aero Blade »

Aero Blade's Lab

"Well there were other 'Bots nearby that were easier targets for headbutts I suppose. I was in a building dismantling a generator at the time," Aero Blade responded to Thundercracker. "If you want to get technical, you've probably all shot at me. I've just been too buried in fixing something to have noticed it."

Dirge would shake his head briefly before looking back up at the group. "As soon as peace was declared, Hound hopped the first shuttle back to Earth. He wanted to be the one to tell the good news to all the old human friends in person. They'll probably be celebrating for who knows how long."
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Post by Blackjack »

Aero Blade's Lab

Thundercracker shrugged at Aero Blade. "Workaholic complex. Crazies, they're everywhere!"

The Seeker glanced back at Dirge, and opened his mouth, but closed it again when he realized mocking the flightless Hound or humans would not fly well with the 'Master of Fear'. So instead he shrugged, "You guys didn't go with him?"