Warzone (20th Aug 03) - the repeat presentation

Having a quiet drink with Terry Gene Bollea.
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AWF Press Office
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Warzone (20th Aug 03) - the repeat presentation

Post by AWF Press Office »

NOTE: Due to scheduling constraints, some markets may have received an edited version of Warzone. For the benefit of these viewers, AWF have arranged a syndicated repeat of the entire broadcast. Please enjoy your viewing experience.

The AWF logo flashes across the screen, and for the first time we see a proper Warzone introduction. The Warzone theme is the first 40 seconds of “Redefine” by Incubus, and the images include:

During the slow first 15 seconds, black and white shots of:

Redstreak’s back
Ravage sitting in a chair, wringing his hands
Vin Ghostal patting his gold baseball bat into his hand
Viewfind blowing a puff of smoke into the air

As the music explodes, the video explodes into color with:

Tempest doing a Shooting Star Press
RCOSD growling
Cyberstrike breaking an nTo kendo stick over someone’s head
Amarant Odinson pointing at the camera
D-Extreme kissing his TV Championship belt
The Lock hitting the Dinobot Slam
Morpheus staring straight ahead from behind the mask
Vin Ghostal nailing Redstreak with the sledgehammer to break up The Foundation
Brave Maximus drawing his hand across his throat
OP2005 hitting the chokeslam
A side shot of Black Zarak that swirls around his head and transforms into Wolfang
P?, Divebomb and Viewfind throwing up the GPA sign
A 360-degree shot of UPF wrapped in the American flag with his head bowed
The Big Ragebowski blowing the camera a kiss
Windcharger smiling ridiculously
Redstreak holding up a single index finger, indicating “#1”

As the show begins, we see footage roll of the parking lot. The caption tells us that it is half an hour ago.

A limo rolls up. As it draws to a halt, the door opens and A-Train steps out. He is grinning from ear to ear, until a man in a suit rushes up to him and whispers in his ear. A-Train raises his eyebrow and follows him inside.

The footage cuts to the office of Mr Waugh, with the caption of 20 minutes ago.

Waugh: “Well?”
A-Train: “Well what?”
Waugh: “Where’ve you been?”
A-Train: “Clothes shopping. Gotta spend that Lord of the Mat prize money, y’know.”
Waugh: “No, I don’t know. What I do know, however, is that all talent has to be inside the venue two hours before the show starts. No exceptions. You know that.”
A-Train: “Yeah, well… but…”
Waugh: “No buts. By all rights you should be fired, but I’m under instructions to control the roster. What I can do, though, is eject you from the Lord of the Mat tournament.”
A-Train: “WHAT?!”
Waugh: “Breach of disciplinary guidelines. Appropriate sanctions, I feel. Computron is reinstated and will face Redstreak instead. You’re now up first. Now get out of my office.”

The footage fades out to the arena as A-Train stands aghast.

JFA: “Hello And Welcome to a packed RBC Center here in Raleigh, North Carolina! With what out Interim Commissioner has promised to be action packed!
JHA: “Hopefully He’ll prove to be better then Vaccaro and not suddenly jump ship.”
JFA: “Speaking of Vaccaro hopefully tonight we shall find out more on his whereabouts but until then JRA looks ready for the first match!”

UPF & A-Train Vs. The NWA [Divebomb & P?, AWF Tag Team Champions

JRA: “Ladies and gentlemen… the following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall… introducing first…”
* ‘Maven’ blasts over the Wartron as UPF walks to the ring, decked out in red, white and blue. He slaps a couple of high-fives to fans and then slides into the ring to start running the ropes. *

JRA: “from San Francisco, California… U…P…F!”

JFA: “And folks, we’re going to have a reunion of sorts tonight… UPF and A-Train were quite the tandem in the ill-fated Transfans Wrestling Federation…”
JHA: “That’s TWF for short, for all of you jabronis with attention spans shorter than Cyberstrike’s member…”
JFA: “That’s as maybe… but they still have a chance of proving that they can hang in the tag division, even if they don’t win. If they show some continuity, odds are they’ll be considered for a Tag Title shot.”

* Just then, ‘Crash’ blasts into the arena… and A-Train along with it! *

JRA: “And his tag team partner… from Church Hill, Tennessee… A-TRAIN!”

* A-Train strolls down to the ring. He doesn’t even seem to acknowledge the crowd. He walks up the ring steps, and through the ropes to meet his sometime former tag team partner. They smack fists together as a show of unison, before ‘Crash’ fades out to be replaced by ‘Warriors of the World United’. *

JHA: “Woohoo! Here come my boys!”

* Divebomb leads the NWA to the ring with P? in tow, not far behind. The two seem more focused than usual, as they do not even take the time to hurl abuse at the fans before climbing into the ring. *

JRA: “And their opponents… from British-Columbia, Canada… representing the GPA… The AWF Tag Team Champions... P?… Divebomb… the NWA!”

JFA: “Divebomb and P? appear a little shaken after Blood & Thunder showed the NWA just what they are capable of at Lord of the Mat. Divebomb and P? kept the Tag Team titles, but they sure lost some of their attitude in a hurry.”
JHA: “What do you expect? My homies here thought they had an easy ride… and then those two psychopaths tried to tear ‘em into pieces.”
JFA: “That’s what you have to expect when you’re the Tag Team Champions! Wolfang and Zarak wanted those belts. They didn’t care how they took them!”

* The bell rings, and Divebomb and A-Train start the match for their respective teams. *

JFA: “And it looks like A-Train and Divebomb are gonna start this match out… collar and elbow tie-up… side headlock by Divebomb… A-Train backs him to the rope… sends him across… shoulder block from Divebomb… and neither man moves… A-Train runs the ropes… connects with another shoulder block that does nothing… and Divebomb drops him with a clothesline!”
JHA: “Yeah! Go for it, Divebomb! Pretend he’s one of the idiots who tried to screw you over on Sunday night!”
JFA: “That wouldn’t be a good idea…”

* Divebomb pulls A-Train to a vertical base. As he lifts the Church Hill native for a bodyslam, A-Train slips out over his shoulder, and blasts him with a triple German suplex! *

JFA: “See? I think maybe Divebomb wasn’t concerning himself with UPF and A-Train… and that’s what he got for it! A-Train picks up Divebomb… looks like he might try for a piledriver… oh, and that’s a violent shoulderbreaker from the A-Train! Drops Divebomb to the mat… and locks in a shortarm scissor… for about two seconds before P? stands on his face.”
JHA: “Whew! That was good thinking from P?”

* Both men are getting to their feet. A-Train manages to get fully vertical first, and sinks in an arm ringer on Divebomb, before leading the NWA member towards his corner and making the tag to UPF! *

JFA: “And there’s the first tag of the match… and it isn’t from our Tag Team champions! UPF hops the top rope… and smashes Divebomb’s arm with a double axe handle! A-Train steps to the apron… as UPF wedges Divebomb’s arm up between his shoulders with a hammerlock. Divebomb reverses… and UPF reverses again… spins around… into an arm drag… and brings a knee down on that shoulder, following up with a scissored armbar! And Divebomb is still in the opposition’s half of the ring folks… too far from P? to make a tag… and he tries to shake off UPF… but UPF isn’t moving.”
JHA: “You’re right… they shouldn’t have been thinking about Blood and Thunder. COME ON DIVEBOMB! GET TO THE ROPE!”

* Divebomb manages to roll far enough to his left to grab the bottom rope. UPF gives him a clean break, and both men get to their feet. Divebomb clenches and unclenches his left fist in rapid succession to try and get some feeling back in his arm. He shakes the arm quickly and goes into an arm and elbow tie-up with UPF. Divebomb breaks the tie-up to connect with a drop toehold; moving quickly over UPF to hook in a front facelock on the Californian. The two both get to their feet, and as Divebomb attempts to move towards his corner and make a tag, UPF reverses the facelock into a bridging Northern Lights suplex! *

JFA: “Nice cover by UPF… 1…2… and P? breaks it up by taking out UPF’s legs. Divebomb hits UPF in the face… and makes the tag to P?”
JHA: “Woohoo! NWA rules!”
JFA: “Don’t say that to Blood & Thunder… UPF gets up… and turns around into a spinebuster from P? Cover… but UPF has a hand on the ropes. Irish whip by P?… reversed by UPF… head down for a back body drop… and a Facebuster by P? UPF down from that… and P? tags Divebomb… and he drops The Bomb on UPF! Cover… 1… and A-Train breaks it up! The ref pushes A-Train back to his corner… A-Train protesting that decision…”

* As A-Train argues with the referee, Divebomb lifts UPF for a vertical suplex whilst P? scales the ropes. The NWA then hit him with a spiked Brainbuster! As A-Train rushes over to help his fallen comrade, P? blasts him with a huge left hand and pushes him out of the ring. *

JFA: “Cover by Divebomb… 1… 2…… and there’s 3! The NWA wins this one!”

JRA: “Here are your winners… THE NWA!”

* UPF and A-Train retreat from the ring area to lick their wounds and ready for a rematch. As the ref raises the hands of the victors, The Camera jumps to the back where we have a shot of the new Competitor Ultimate Weapon getting ready when Tammy walks up*

Tammy: Hi Ultimate WEapon I’m Tammy I just thought I could get a few words from you about your first AWF match tonight against D-Extreme for the TV title?

UW: The short of it? I’ve come here to win and what better way to prove it then by beating this no good punk and taking the TV title from him. Now if you don’t mind I don’t intend to be tardy

UW pushes his way past Tammy stretching his arms getting ready for the match as he walks

JFA: “He’s coming this way! UW’s first match against D-Ex for the TV title is next”!

TV Title
Ultimate Weapon Vs. D-Extreme (c)

"First We Gonna Rock!" "Then We Gonna Roll!" "Then We Let It POP!" "GO LET IT GO!"

"X Gonna Give It To You" by DMX signals the arrival of D-Extreme, to a huge pop from the crowd. He makes his way to the ring, and enters it, getting the crowd in an uproar.

JFA: The crowd giving D-Extreme a massive reaction here tonight!
JHA: Not surprising. They DO tend to give a massive reaction towards lumbering idiots who do a whole lot of nothing.
JFA: Then explain why he has the TV belt, then.
JHA: I won’t need to, cause he comes the schmo whose gonna take it from him.

Ultimate Weapon makes his way down to the ring as “Stonecold” by Hammerfall squeaks out of the speakers. UW slides into the ring and tackles D-Extreme to the ground, laying down several punches on the prone champ.

JFA: UW taking it to the champ here tonight.
JHA: *snores*
JFA: If he keeps this up, he could end up becoming the new champion here tonight.
JHA: *snores*
JFA: I’ve got a pair of scissors sticking out of my temples.
JHA: *snores*
JFA: That’s what I thought.

While this goes down, Ultimate Weapon picks up D-Extreme, only to slam him down on the mat again, followed by a pair of elbow drops and a legdrop. As he goes for a second legdrop, however, D-Extreme rolls out of the way, so UW ends up slamming right on his keister, clutching his lower back in pain. Taking advantage of the situation, D-Extreme kicks the screaming UW in the gut. Slamming onto his back, UW lies prone as D-Extreme follows up with a legdrop and a cover that only gets a two count before UW kicks out.

JFA: UW barely able to kick out of that.
JHA: *snores*

D-Extreme drags UW to his feet, and kicks him in preparation for the Xtreme Factor, but UW catches hold of it, and chop blocks his other leg, sending him crashing to the ground. UW gets to his feet, and drags D-Extreme to the center of the ring. Smiling smugly, he puts D-Extreme in the powerbomb position, and picks him up, slamming his down with authority.

JFA: That’s gotta be it. UW is gonna be the new champ.
JHA: *wakes up* What? Did you say something?
JFA: I said that UW is gonna be the new champ.
JHA: You woke me up for that?! Screw that! I’m goin’ back to bed.
JFA: Why do I put up with you?
JHA: *snores*

Instead of going for the cover during this exchange, UW went ahead and preformed another powerbomb. Not willing to stop his onslaught, he puts D-Extreme in the position of performing a third powerbomb. However, as he is lifted up, D-Extreme somehow manages to find the strength to reverse it and pull off the Xtreme Factor!

JHA: *mumbling* But Mommy…I don’t wanna go to school today. I wanna raid Daddy liquor cabinet…
JFA: *shoves JHA causing him to wake up* “Match is over Bozo”
JHA: “Dammit... D-extreme retained”
JFA: “Well I didn’t expect Ultimate Weapon to win against a seasoned vet liked D-Extreme but he did give a very good show for his first match.”

*Commercial break*

Lord of the Mat 2nd round:
Cyberstrike Vs The Lock

JHA: I feel that I must warn all the AWF fans out there that our next match features a has been going up against a never was. If you need to go to the washroom or take a beer break, now’s the perfect time to do it.
JFA: I’d rather suggest they do it during any of your stupid rants, but I’m afraid they’ll never come back.

Get Rolled With The Fever On The Dance Floor

N-Trance’s “Stayin' Alive '95” blares, and one half of the former Tag Champs makes his way down the ramp to a thunderous ovation.

JHA: I’ll never know why the fans decide to cheer this guy. He’s old. He’s washed up. He’s past his expiration date.
JFA: You mean like your deodorant? I told you to get a new pack last week. Why do you never listen to me?
JHA: Whenever you talk, I just tend to go blank.
JFA: Must be real easy, then. Waitasec! Cyberstrike jumping the Lock from behind! What’s he up to!?
JHA: Doing the only thing that will guarantee him a win! Jumping the guy from behind and putting the big hurt on him.
JFA: Please don’t go any further. I just ate.

Cyberstrike dragged Lock into the ring, and tossed him inside, the ring announcer dinging the bell, signalling the beginning of the match! After laying several boots to the fallen Lock, he drags him to the corner turnbuckle, and throws him into it, and kicks him several more times. But he overestimates himself, and as he lays a final series of blows, Lock grabs his foot, and twists it around, sending Cyberstrike crashing to the ground. As Cyberstrike scrambles to escape, Lock grabs his foot, and twists it into the Ankle Lock.

JFA: ANKLE LOCK! Lock could have this won right now!
JHA: Let’s hope so. Some of us want to be in bed by midnight.

Cyberstrike screams in pain, unable to bear being caught in the devastating ankle lock, yet refusing to give up. He tries to free himself, but to no avail. Finally, for lack of better ideas, he swings his free foot out to catch Lock square in the jaw, sending him flying backward and into the turnbuckle, taking the referee with him. Cyberstrike gets to his feet to try to take advantage of the situation, but hobbles around on his damaged foot.

JHA: Cyberstrike manages to free himself, but the damage may already have been done.
JFA: You know what they say. There’s not much a one legged man can do in an butt kicking contest.
JHA: Knock it off with the JR impersonations! Where did you get your personality, Stereotypes ‘R Us?!

Cyberstrike tries to mount up some sort of attack against the downed Lock, but his hobbled foot prevents him from doing so. Grimacing in pain, he rolls out of the ring, and searches under it for something he can use to cause some damage.

JFA: Cyberstrike risking disqualification here.
JHA: Hey! Lock broke his ankle! Isn’t it fair that he gets to break Lock’s head open?

Cyberstrike gets a cookie pan out from under the ring, and hobbles back into the ring, but during this time, Lock has managed to get his bearings, and get himself up to his feet, and as Cyberstrike moves in for the kill,. Lock lifts himself up and delivers a huge dropkick to the cookie tray, sending it colliding into Cyberstrike’s head!

JFA: Guess ‘Strike got his Cyber’s rattled.
JHA: What Cyber’s? What the hell are you talking about?

Lock picks up the prone Cyberstrike, executes the Dinobot Slam, and covers, as the ref finally wakes up and delivers the three count. “Stayin' Alive '95” blares for the second time as the Lock gets his hand raised.

JFA: Great match by the Lock here on Warzone he got rid of Cyberstrike quickly and smoothly to advance to the semi-finals!
JHA: Good I’m not sure I could stand Cyberstrike bragging about getting a chance at the AWF title.

UPF vs. Morpheus

Hoshal’s Maven fills the arena for the second time tonight as UPF makes his way back out to the ring.

JFA: “And here’s an interesting one. UPF pulling double duty tonight. Was originally scheduled to compete in this match, but suffered from Mr Waugh’s late addition to the card. Deciding to punish A-Train by not only pulling him from the Lord of the Mat, but feeding him to the NWA as well.”
JHA: “Which was unfair on so many levels.”
JFA: “However you cut it, UPF’s out here for a second match. And he’s going to need to be on the top of his game to deal with Morpheus here.”

Entering the ring, UPF salutes the crowd before the lights dim and Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata starts to play.

JHA: “This creeps me out every time, you know that?”
JFA: “You have my sympathies. Morpheus about to make his way to the ring. Any minute now.”
JHA: “Where is he? Where the hell is he?”

After a few moments with no sign of his foe, UPF leans across the ropes and peers down the aisle. As he does so, the ring apron in front of him suddenly billows outwards as Morpheus leaps out from under the ring. Grabbing the Californian by the throat, he drags him over the top strand and pulls him beneath the ring.

JHA: “Holy moses.”
JFA: “Morpheus! From under the ring! He just dragged UPF down one-handed! Almost as if he was being sucked into the depths… headfirst over the top rope and dragged beneath the squared circle… lord alone knows what’s going on under there… so many toys beneath the ring…”
JHA: “How did he get under there? When did he get under there?!”
JFA: “I have no idea. Lights coming up again, now. The referee on the outside…”
JHA: “I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes right now.”
JFA: “Me neither. Gingerly lifting up the apron… peering into the darkness.”

Confused, the referee looks up and signals to the timekeeper, who responds by lifting up the apron on the opposite side of the ring.

JHA: “Now what do you think’s going on?”
JFA: “If I knew, I would be saying something. The referee obviously bewildered. Calling for some EMTs. I think I can see UPF’s foot under the ring. Our medical team on the scene now… gently rolling UPF out from beneath the ring. He looks to be unconscious.”
JHA: “So… where’s Morpheus?”

The camera angle shifts so that we can see beneath the ring, over the referee’s shoulder. On the other side we can see the crowd where the apron has been lifted. Morpheus is nowhere to be seen.

JHA: “… I’m scared…”
JFA: “Morpheus has vanished. I… don’t believe this. UPF being carried up the aisle on that stretcher… out cold, it seems. His assailant came from out of nowhere beneath the ring… now he’s disappeared into thin air. Strange goings on tonight.”


The Camera’s switch back stage where we have Mr.Waugh sitting in his office when Deathscream bursts in fuming mad looking down at the interim Commissioner

DS: “What the hell is going on here?!! I’m the #1 contender for the Hardcore title! Why the hell am I not in the Hardcore title match!?”

Mr.Waugh: “Well you see Deathscream you’re #1 Contender but as we don’t have a champion you’re not the contender to anyone. So before you can really have a match we need a champion”

DS: “That’s not fair It should be me in that match aswell!”

Mr.Waugh: “Well how about this next week after Lord of the Mat you get a shot at who ever is Hardcore champion?”

DS: “You better keep your word” He steps forward and gets into Mr.Waugh’s face “Or I’ll make it so you join Vaccaro on a ‘Vacation”

Mr.Waugh smiles and then pulls away “I’ll just have to suspend you if you try...” before he can finish a man walks in and leans over whispering Waugh’s ear. He blinks and his face goes pail. “Oh... okay. Sorry DS this has to finish later I have things needing to be done” he points to the door insisting DS leaves which he reluctantly does.

Camera goes back to the Announce team

JFA: “Who was that man that walked in? and what does he need to do?”
JHA: “Why do you ask me? Here’s a better question – what the hell is Deathscream even doing here? He’s a Mayhem competitor!”
JFA: “Either way! Ravage Op2005 for the Hardcore title! Next!”

AWF Hardcore Championship Match:
‘Big Daddy Rav’ Ravage Vs. OP2005

JRA: “Ladies and gentlemen… the following contest is scheduled for one fall… and the winner will be crowned the NEW AWF Hardcore Champion!”

* As the first tones of ‘I Will Be Heard’ start to creep into the arena, the man known as Ravage surges forward to the ring. He raises a fist to the crowd before starting to rummage under the ring apron. *

JRA: “Introducing first… from Wallingford, Vermont… ‘Big Daddy Rav’… RAVAGE!”

* Before the ring announcer can ready himself to announce the next competitor, OP2005 is already pounding Ravage on the outside! *

JFA: “And we’re off the mark right now, folks. Remember, this is to crown a new Hardcore Champion… Hardcore rules apply. Anything goes… no disqualification and falls count anywhere. OP2005 knows Ravage will take advantage of that, so he’s making sure that Big Daddy Rav doesn’t have the opportunity.”
JHA: “You’re exactly right… it seems OP2005 is operating on the philosophy of do unto others as they would do unto you… but make sure you do it first!”
JFA: “You’re absolutely right there… OP happy to just pummel Rav for the time being… and it looks like he may have given up on that idea. Rav down in front of our ring announcer… referee Brian Clement checking to see if Ravage is alright, as OP searches underneath the ring… what in God’s name is he looking for under there?”

* The only visible part of OP2005 is the bright blue from OP’s left ankle and downwards, and of course the grey on the sole of his boot. As Ravage starts to stir, OP emerges from under the ring brandishing, of all things, a ladle. He dents the cooking utensil over Ravage’s broad shoulders, before returning to the side of the ring which he came from and returning with a barbecue! *

JHA: “What is this? A wrestling match or a cookout? Where the hell does he keep getting all these goddamned kitchen utensils?”
JFA: “In response to all those questions, I think the answer would be I really do not know… perhaps the canteen staff donated the implements we have seen thus far in this… encounter… but this is for the AWF Hardcore Championship! As long as that barbecue has nothing to do with Slaughter’s Marauders…”
JHA: “WHAT? Slaughter’s Marauders? What are you talkin’ about?”
JFA: “Never mind… OP setting up that barbecue now… in an upright position… walks over to where Ravage is getting up… grabs the Wallingford native… looks like he could be going for a chokeslam here… but no! Ravage was playing possum! Doubles up OP with a kick to the nads… and powerbombs him through the barbecue! Good lord!”

* OP2005 is clearly hurt from being powerbombed through a portable barbecue. There is a massive cut across his lower back from where the frame of the deadly cooking outpost snapped under his muscular frame being propelled toward it by a vicious powerbomb. Ravage stares at the trail of blood left by his opponent before proceeding to grab OP2005 by the head and delivering a vicious DDT onto the padded arena floor surrounding the ring. *

JFA: “Ravage firmly in control now… leaves OP at ringside whilst he searches under the ring again for some other destructive instrument…”
JHA: “You mean like a bass drum? They can do some damage!”
JFA: “No! You… * sigh. * Never mind. Ravage back out from under the ring now… brandishing a branding iron!”
JHA: “Oh lord no! You’ve seen what Terry Funk does with those things! I wouldn’t be surprised to see that snake Ravage do that to OP2005…”

* JFA glances at his broadcast partner with a look of uncertainty across his face. *

JFA: “J… you hate OP2005.”
JHA: “I do?”
JFA: “Yes! The guy who used to be Dr. Evil?”
JHA: “You mean… oh him! I thought you meant Mike Myers. I like him. But oh… OP2005? KILL HIM, RAVAGE!”
JFA: “You don’t like Ravage, either.”
JHA: “Huh? How the hell am I supposed to be biased when I can’t stand either of these guys?”
JFA: “Never mind…”

* Ravage turns back toward the ring. He drops the branding iron as he lifts the apron and slides out a table. After setting up the table, he retrieves the branding iron, and lifts it above his head so that the brand points toward the rafters. *

JFA: “Would you stop?”
JHA: “You’re allowed an eighties reference, so am I.”
JFA: “Fair point… and Ravage brings that branding iron down hard into the abdomen of OP… picks up the fighting Scotsman… Irish whip towards the ring steps… OP puts on the brakes… shortarm clothesline attempt from Ravage… and Big Daddy Rav gets flattened with a spinebuster reversal by OP2005! Right on the ring steps! Will you concede that was a good move?”
JHA: “I know you are, but what am I?”
JFA: “Oh for God’s sake…”

* OP2005 clutches at his back. The sweat running down onto the open wound is far from pleasant. He turns the table towards his adversary, who lies stunned on the floor between the two halves of the overturned ring steps. OP drags the nearest half underneath the table, and then sets about getting Ravage into the ring. Once in the ring, OP sets Ravage on the top turnbuckle facing the crowd. He climbs up the ropes to see his enemy face-to-face. *

JFA: “This doesn’t look good…”
JHA: “I think we agree on something…”

* As OP2005 attempts to Superplex Ravage through the table, Ravage grabs the top rope. Twice. Then, Ravage smacks his adversary between the eyes and bangs OP’s head against the top turnbuckle, before standing up on the top rope. He raises a fist into the air, as he flips OP’s thighs onto his shoulders and dives, in a seated position, towards the table! *

JHA: “I saw that… I heard that… and I still don’t believe it!”
JFA: “Ravage came off the top rope… with a Thunderbomb! Good lord… that was brutal!”
JHA: “Wait a second… did you say Thunderbomb?”
JFA: * pauses. * “ I did say Thunderbomb. I meant Ligerbomb… it’s an easy mistake when the innovator of the move is Jushin ‘Thunder’ Liger.”
JHA: “Na ah… that was another eighties reference!”

* As JFA and JHA argue over whether JFA actually did forget the name of the move or whether he was trying to make reference to ‘Thundercats’, OP2005 and Big Daddy Rav are lying amidst the wreckage of the flying Ligerbomb from the top rope. Ravage can’t sit up; his tailbone took a sharp shock from going through the table and landing on the edge of the steel steps. OP2005 is no better off. The gash on his back connected with the steps at a considerable speed and the top of his head bashed the security rail as he landed on the arena floor. Both men are lying on their stomachs and attempting to collect enough energy to get to their feet. *

JFA: “Big Daddy Rav getting up…OP2005 not far behind… Rav takes a swing at OP… OP ducks… and counters with a belly-to-back suplex… right on the security railing! But wait… Ravage landed with one leg across OP… 1… 2… and there’s a kick out by OP2005!”
JHA: “Man… I thought that guy was deader than ‘Centurions’ right there…”
JFA: “Would you knock it off? OP getting up… Rav getting up… whose gonna get up first?”
JHA: “Man… this is killing me. Of course, it’s killing them more…”
JFA: “Both men turn around… and OP2005 walks right into a Hangover! 1… 2………3! RAVAGE WINS! RAVAGE IS THE NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION!”

JRA: “Ladies and gentlemen… the winner of this bout… and NEW AWF HARDCORE CHAMPION… RAVAGE!”

* Ravage holds up the Hardcore title before throwing it over one shoulder and walking slowly to the back to the tones of ‘I Will Be Heard’. The crowd applaud the actions of both competitors as the EMT rushes to aid OP2005. *

Lord of the Mat 2nd Round:
Brave Maximus vs. Amarant Odinson

White Zombie's More Human than Human blares through the arena as Warzone's resident wolverine makes his way to the ring.

JFA: "Okay, here we go. Lord of the Mat tournament back underway - Amarant about to lock up with his fellow Canadian Brave Maximus."
JHA: "Canadian? Brave's a Canadian?!"
JFA: "What did you think he was?"
JHA: "Well... it does make sense, when you consider how absolutely insane he is. I figured Venus, myself. But Canada makes sense too."

The arena darkens as the haunting tones of Haunted commence.

JHA: "Is it me, or did it just get a hell of a lot colder in here?"
JFA: "It's you. Brave Maximus en route to the ring. Walking very calmly down the aisle."
JHA: "Walking? I was half expecting him to teleport or something."

Reaching the ringside area, Max hauls himself onto the ring apron and steps through the ropes.

JFA: "And - Amarant jumping Brave Max before the bell here... lights coming up, referee calls for the bell. Just hammering away with those double axehandles to the back area. Kicking away at the knee, trying to take one wheel away."
JHA: "Smart tactics. Smart tactics all the way. Take him out early, take away the vertical base and have the match over before he even knows he's in it."
JFA: "Well it certainly seems to be working. Amarant Odinson dismantling his opponent - Brave Max caught totally off guard. Rams him headfirst into the turnbuckle... reverse waistlock and a German suplex!"
JHA: "That still makes me wince."
JFA: "Amarant not letting go, though. Climbing up to his feet... hits another... and up again... a third German and he releases it."
JHA: "Goodnight, freakshow!"
JFA: "Odinson stomping away now. Brave Max lying motionless on the canvas... I think Amarant caught him totally by surprise. Really setting himself up with a good chance to advance in the Lord of the Mat tournament. Bringing himself ever closer to the match with Redstreak he so desires."
JHA: "I think he could win it all, J. He's got drive, he's got ambition."
JFA: "He's got Brave Max up for the Death Valley Driver."
JHA: "That too. Match over, baby."

Connecting with the move, Amarant decides against making the pin, immediately dragging Max up to his feet instead.

JHA: "What's he doing? He had the match won!"
JFA: "Setting him up for a suplex, maybe. No... it's... the Nail in the Coffin!"
JHA: "Goodnight nurse!"
JFA: "Hooks the leg. One. Two."
JHA: "Oh my god."

Unhooking his own leg, Brave Maximus places his arms under Amarant Odinson's chest and presses him up off his body, before clambering to his feet with his opponent still pressed high into the air.

JFA: "The strength of Maximus!"
JHA: "To hell with the strength! Amarant hit him with everything and he's not even winded!"
JFA: "Amarant's all the way up... just being held there... and... all the way down!"

His face expressionless, Brave Maximus releases his foe, letting him drop facefirst into the canvas. Turning to face Odinson, Maximus reaches down and grabs his fellow Canadian's throat, dragging him up to his feet before hurling him hard into the corner.

JFA: "Brave Maximus exploding on Amarant here!"
JHA: "Ewwww."
JFA: "Hard knife edge chops in the corner... dragging him out now... Irish whip to the buckle with authority. And a biiiig boot on the rebound. Amarant knocked for six, there. Max pulling him up again... set up for the powerbomb..."
JHA: "What in the world?"
JFA: "And... I don't know what's going on. The lights are out... I can't see what's happening in the ring..."
JHA: "Is that Brave's music?"
JFA: "I... yes it is. Brave Maximus' music echoing through the arena... lights out, I don't have a clue what's going on here."
JHA: "Newsflash - you rarely do."

Gradually the lights come back on and the music stops. The referee is crouched in the corner holding his jaw and checking his lower lip for blood. Amarant Odinson lies battered and weary inside the ring.

JFA: "Finally we can see."
JHA: "Well, great. Hardly any help now. What's wrong with this picture, big shot?"
JFA: "Brave Maximus... no longer in the ring..."
JHA: "Nothing gets past you."

Eventually the cameras locate Brave Maximus, lying unconscious and bleeding on the arena floor. Alongside him lay two battered chairs, atop him lies a golden jacket.

JFA: "Max absolutely busted open down there. I have no idea what's happened here..."
JHA: "When do you ever? It's hardly difficult. I'd think those chairs are a good indication..."
JFA: "The referee looking around now... seems to have a bloodied mouth, almost as if he's been punched as well. Sees Brave outside the ring and starts the count."
JHA: "That's pure genious."
JFA: "What is."
JHA: "The way they used his own cheap little parlour trick against him."
JFA: "Who did?"
JHA: "Oh, open your eyes. The gold jacket, you goon. Who the hell around here has enough style to wear that?"
JFA: "Oh my good god."
JHA: "Finally."
JFA: "They've screwed him. They've screwed Brave Maximus. He had it won and they've shafted him completely."
JHA: "Serves him right for messing with the big V."

As the referee reaches nine, Brave Maximus still hasn't stirred. He reaches ten and signals for the bell, awarding the victory to Amarant Odinson.

JHA: "See? Told you he'd win."
JFA: "Amarant Odinson advances in the Lord of the Mat. I wouldn't say he deserves it one bit, though. And you can be sure that Vin Ghostal and the GPA are going to feel the full brunt of Brave's vengeance once he's recovered from this."
JHA: "If. Not when. If."

The Camera goes to the back where we see Redstreak tying up his wrestling boots getting ready for his match.
JFA: “There’s Redstreak, him and Computron are next!”

*Commercial break*

Fresh back from the commercials, the screen displays a graphic detailing the progress of the Warzone portion of the Lord of the Mat draw. We see The Lock, Amarant Odinson and Tempest already advanced to the Pay Per View portion. We also see A-Train’s name scrubbed out and Computron’s inserted in his place.

Lord of the Mat 2nd Round:
Redstreak vs Computron

JFA: “Here we go the final match of the Warzone AWF Lord of the Mat Qualifying and tonight’s main event which should prove to be a great one. Former tag Champion Computron against one of the all time Hardcore greats....”
JHA: “And tag chumps!”
JFA: “What does that mean?”
JHA: “It means every time he has tried to get the tag title he has fallen flat on his face and with two different partners. Proof that is probably his incompetent fault!”
JFA: “I’d say that is unfair entirely, the fact B&T have a lot of experience as a team...”
JHA: “Blaster and Blitzwing2!”
JFA: “Well...”

Before JFA can respond Stan Bush’s ‘Dare’ starts up as Computron appears at the top of the ramp to the cheers from the crowd as the former compufire member runs down the ramp and slides into the ring.

JHA: “See now there is a great tag team man, that guy as much as I hate him was one of the best, not as good as the NWA but good!”
JFA: “But the statement is...”

Once again JFA is cut off as Stan Bush fades off and My World by Metallica starts up. Redstreak wastes no time bursting out from the curtain running down the ramp and sliding into the ring. Before the bell can even be rung Redstreak starts attacking Computron beating him into the corner with rights and lefts.

JFA: “Well if there is anything you can say about Redstreak is that he doesn’t waste any time! Now following up those opening shots with an Irish whip to the opposite corner. Computron is totally un aware here. He looks out of this before the bell is rung... there it goes”
JHA: “What a cheater Redstreak is, live it to him to need a before the bell attack to get an advantage, there is a reason he was only Hardcore champ and not one of more a distinguished title for more then a month”
JFA: “Redstreak running across the Computron Onto the second turnbuckle and what a bull dog that was. There’s a pink 1...2... Computron kicks out. Redstreak has come into this match to win and he doesn’t care what it takes you can just get that feeling!”
JHA: “Yeah, may it be a cheap attack or a shot with a chair while the referee is looking away! He doesn’t care!”

Redstreak looks are the referee confused as he thought that was three but doesn’t argue it instead goes right back to work on Computron pulling him back up to a verticle base and delivering a few chops to the former tag champions chest. He then grabs his arm and throws him into the ropes hitting a hip toss as Computron comes back to him. Then instead of letting go, picks Computron back up and throws him into the far turn buckle. Instead of turning he hits chest first and falls back Redstreak himself crouches down and gets ready to enter forcefully. After a few moments of waiting the Unknowing Computron turns around and Redstreak lunges forward but instead of connecting with his opponent he connects with the Ring post.

Computron falls back against the ropes right beside Redstreak who is slumped against the second rope. It only takes Computron a few moments to get his head back in the right place and to go to work on the former Intercontinental champion. He pulls him away from the second rope which he had fallen against after missing the spear. Beginning too hit the shoulder that hit the metal with elbows causing Redstreak to drop to one knee and allowing Computron to get even better shots on the hurt left shoulder. He moves around behind Redstreak and delivers a powerful boot right onto the shot shoulder causing Redstreak to cry out and fall onto his stomach. Computron than show boats for the crowd for a bit before going back to work on the less then one hundred percent Redstreak. He quickly starts to put the boots to the shoulder of Redstreak.

JHA: “See once the affect of a cheap un-expected attack wears off Redstreak is nothing, he’s being toyed with by Computron now.”
JFA: “That left shoulder is taking a lot of abuse, Computron zeroed in on it right after the missed spear and has not let up on it. Computron has his boot placed on the shoulder now and he has the arm and. That looks painful”

Computron pulls back on the arm as he presses down on the shoulder causing Redstreak cry out in pain.

JFA: “By the way the referee looks this is indeed a submission maneuver of some sort and I don’t think Redstreak is going to get out of this with the look of pain on his face.”

Redstreak continues to cry out as Computron pulls hard on the arm pressing down on the shoulder. Redstreak begins to reach his free arm out for the ropes but he isn’t in reach. He keeps struggling. Computron begins to pull harder causing Redstreak to yell out in pain. This time instead of using his arms to reach out for the ropes he moves his legs under the ropes. The referee quickly sees this and breaks the hold. Computron looks at the referee then turns away standing victorious

JFA: “I think Computron thinks he has won, he is certainly celebrating as if he has.”
JHA: “He should have won! I swear I saw that baby Redstreak tap!”

Computron continues to celebrate looking around trying to figure out why his music isn’t play and why there has been no announcement as to the victory. He leans over the ropes yelling at the announce table to announce that he has one. Behind him Redstreak continues to struggle up to his feet in mild pain from what had been down to his shoulder. and begins to set up.

JHA: “Didn’t he learn the first time! That doesn’t work against Computron!”
JFA: “I don’t think he cares”
JHA: “Don’t turn around!”
JFA: “HE DIDN’T HEAR YOU! FORCEFUL ENTRY BY REDSTREAK! There‘s the pin! 1...2...3! Redstreak got it!”

The bell rings as Redstreak gets up and the Referee raises his arm in victory.

JFA: “Redstreak did it! Redstreak is on to the Quarter Finals at the Lord of the Mat this Sunday! Along with the 3 other warzone competitors! That is all the time we have for tonight folks! See you at the Lord of the Mat!”
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Post by Ultimate Weapon »

IC: That was intense like only the AWF can bring it!! Since its my first match I will allow, any negative feelings to be filtered out from my brain. Because I'm having to much fun. Yow Za!

*walks away with high self esteem.*
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Post by The uiltmate prime fan »

OOC: as before, good show.

IC: UPF Awakens backstage, his body aching and his head swimming for the intense blasts of vertigo which send him back onto the pillow. dazed, he searches his memory for a reason for his being here. he finds one.


his memories returned to him, yet, he still could not remember what happened under the ring. anger rising, he forced himself up from the bed, his legs nearly losing their balance more than once. he heads to the door, angrly, he pushes the door open, finding himself still backstage. raging, he started down the hall.

usually, i try to write some sort of inspirational bullsh*t here, but i suspect that wont fly.

the strong should always protect the weak and those who cant defend themselves. any that dont have no honor.
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Post by Extreme_Kup »

Originally posted by Ultimate Weapon
IC: That was intense like only the AWF can bring it!! Since its my first match I will allow, any negative feelings to be filtered out from my brain. Because I'm having to much fun. Yow Za!

*walks away with high self esteem.*

D-Ex: Well...thats the first time somebody held his head up after a match against me....instead of being a whinner and cry. Ok UW....prepare to get 2 boxes of beer tommorow, from me :cool:

D-Ex and Igz, your AWF Tag Team Champs. You think you got what it takes to take The Serial Slackaz on? Then join the
AWF and show us what you got!
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Post by Amarant Odinson »

OOC: Good job on Warzone tonight. Can't wait for the PPV. :D

IC: Lord of the Mat quickly approches and it seems to me that Redstreak and I are going to be hooking up in the quarter finals. Redstreak, I have nothing but respect for you and what you've done in this business. But it's time for you to step aside. To let the new blood show the world what they have.

I will show the world why I am the BEST DAMN TECHNICAL WRESTLER in the AWF today by becoming the Lord of the Mat. I will become World Champion. Even if I have to make every single damned wrestler in this ****ing company tap then so be it. But I will do it on my own.

Which brings me to my match tonight against Brave Maximus. I could've won that match by myself but Vin Ghostal and those Eminem wannabes, the GPA felt it neccesary to interfere in my match. If you dumbasses ever stick your fat noses where it doesn't belong ever again? You'll be the next ones to try and BEAT ME IF YOU CAN and SURVIVE IF I LET YOU.

Your help wasn't wanted or needed. And Brave Max, if you want a rematch, you got one.
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Post by Divebomb »

Amarant, slow down and wait just a damn minute. Are you seriously trying to tell the GPA what to do? You have got to be kidding me. I know you are new here so I will forgive you for being ignorant. But just a little lesson for you, don't get in our way or you will get hurt like all the rest.

We are the best and we always will be, but for all you ignorant little fools out there who think they can come in here and take down everybody and be the top dog, heres a message for you.

For all that oppose,

Doomsday Awaits.........
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Post by Tempest »


*We see our Hero Tempest, getting off his own private black jet.*

T: ahhhh, back in the States ... ahhh ... Texas, hmmmm I wonder if they have any good beer here ...

*Tempest trys to get back on subject*

T: Anyway, to real issues at hand, soon it will be the LotM2003, the chance of a million life times and can only be captured by the few, the elite few, I will become one of the few, Lord Claypool caputed it last year, and I will do the same this year.

*Tempest is handed a report on the Last Warzone*

T: .... Ahhh ... thats a shame, Brave Maximus lost to that wasted part of space Amarant .... shame, I would of preferred to go in a match against BM, hmmm I just hope his sake the Garbage Protection Agency dont get him to badly, but im su=re he will be able to manage himself.

*Tempest continues looking through the report*

T: hmmmm, I see this 'Waugh' is pushing his weight around .. I only hope he helps my cause and is not a hinderence to it.

*Tempest finishes reading the report*

T: AHHHHH .... I see that The Lock and Redstreak have made it though ... *sigh* so has Amarant .... still ... I can not be pesimistic of this fact, I must however be greatful that I only had to go through 1 match to get here, and I am thankful that NWA are responsable for that .... heh heh heh ...

*Tempest looks down the runway to find his Limo*

T: Ahhhhh, here it comes now, anyway I must be off. Soon LotM will be here, and i will be there to claim it ...

*Tempest can be heard laughing to himself as he ges in his Limo*
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Post by Silly Cow »

Again he who thinks himself as good and righteous falls. Understand this: You are not better than me! You are not more right than me! Just because you live in a black and white world where the idiots can cheer at your simple goals doesn't mean your actions are more acceptable than mine! I am doing the right thing! I know it, Windcharger knows it, and if all of you stopped for even one moment to think this from my view, from Silly Cow's view, you would also realize it.

UPF, you want revenge, you seek it. There is no reason why you should gain it. Our quarrel may be over, I may want to torment you more. I do not know, you will not know. Learn, or be left in the dark.

OOC: Great work. It seems that sometimes complaining actually works. Still, I won't make it a habit, promise.
Thanks D!
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Post by Wolfang »

IC: Before I start, I would like to offer a welcome to the newest member of the Warzone roster, Ultimate Weapon. You don't mind UW, right?

Okay, there is something you need to be clear on, UW. We are family in this place. It doesn't matter what arena we're in, or what state, or what country; that fact remains constant. Don't be fooled because we beat each other up. That's what we get paid for.

Now... what was I... oh yes! Divebomb! Has your buddy remembered the rest of his name yet? It's Prowl? See... there's an r... and an o... and a w... and an l after his initial. Did you get that down? Good... now I'm gonna get serious.

See, I wish to point out that not only did I beat your 'homie' on Warzone two... or is it three? Never mind... weeks ago on Warzone. I'd also like to remind you that it's your fault I never got into the ArchiveBowl, and therefore missed out on the chance of actually having a match against the HerartBrend Kid.

At that point, the title was an extra incentive. I just wanted the match that the cWo denied me on the fourteenth of October last year. I just wanted to know if I could stand at the top of the mountain with all the really good AWF superstars and away from pieces of **** like you.

What happens? You ****ed it up, and you got a Deathstalker for doing so. See where am I going with this? You cost me some gold; so I'm taking yours as replacement. So... as you like to say... prepare for the end. It draws near.....

At Lord of the Mat, you and your gangsta wannabe pal can look forward to 'The End'. Because Z and myself are going to unleash Ragnarok on your Not Worthy Asses. Two chump-stains like you are unwothy of those belts. So we're gonna relieve you of them.

Say your prayers... believe me, you'll need them...
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Post by Ultimate Weapon »

IC: I have nothing but positivity for the AWF, and my new home Warzone. Just because I am new to this arena does not mean I don't know how the game is played. We all could use a lesson in maturity and sportsmanship, some more than others.
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Post by Divebomb »

blah blah blah. Wolf we all know you think your good, but we all know that the NWA are the best. So bring the ragnarok and all the strenght you can summon but know this, it will not be enough because at The End of the night it will be the NWA walking away with the titles.
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Post by Redstreak »

Victory and another rung on the ladder of greatness. I will be the next AWF LOTM, make no mistake, anyone who gets in my way is gone-gone-gone! Oh yeah! Strive to be number one, baby!

*does the #1 finger gesture a la Arsenio Hall*

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Post by Lord Zarak »

Originally posted by Divebomb
blah blah blah. Wolf we all know you think your good, but we all know that the NWA are the best. So bring the ragnarok and all the strenght you can summon but know this, it will not be enough because at The End of the night it will be the NWA walking away with the titles.

Yeah, and there goes that pet pig of yours that flies.
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Post by Divebomb »

bout time the other chump joined in. But you still aint takin these titles. You just ain't lucky or good enough to take them. So you might as well just bow down now.
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Post by Prowl? »

Why is divebomb the only cool guy left in the AWF....

where blingzilla at.....

f*ck blood and thunder, da NWA runs this show
P R O W L ?
I support Todd Bertuzzi
start climbing that sh*t rope...
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Post by Tempest »

Originally posted by Prowl?
Why is divebomb the only cool guy left in the AWF....

where blingzilla at.....

f*ck blood and thunder, da NWA runs this show

IC: HA, I find that laughable ... wait ... HA ... anyway, if you really did own this place, you would be in the LotM, you would be the champs, not the cumps, so as far as I am concerned, p!ss of back to your HQ, the Dumpsta!, for wanna be Gangsta!
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Post by Lord Zarak »

Originally posted by Prowl?
Why is divebomb the only cool guy left in the AWF....

where blingzilla at.....

f*ck blood and thunder, da NWA runs this show

One, Direbomb isnt cool at all.

Two, speak English, not this 'gangsta-aren't-I-hard' "language".

And Three, I didn't know you had two pet pigs which fly. Got any that you dont need, coz I really need a bacon buttie.
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Post by Divebomb »

Tempest, take a look. We don't need LotM, we are already champs. Go on take a look. The AWF Tag-Team Champions. So go back to the gutter and think about what kind of a chance you actually have at winning that tournament. So begone.

Now Zarak, no never mind, there is nothing left to say. We'll so you and your b!tch at LotM and we'll show you exactly why we are the champs.

The End
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Post by Ravage »

OCC- I could have probably just brought over my comments from the other thread but tis cool.

Well well well, Big Daddy Rav with gold, Hardcore no less. And LOTM is coming soon to a TV near you.

And what best way to have it other than me with a belt. Now to just find someone with the balls to get in the ring with me.

Oh yeah that Cain, Deathscream, The Wrestler Formerly Known as Deathscream wants the belt. But you know I think thats only a quick way back to the injured list. On the other hand, I have always been more than willing to oblige if someone wants a beating. But either way I am sure someoone will step up at LOTM.

Til then Big Daddy Rav in Tha House!
The bunnies, they give me knowledge it is neat.

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Post by Wolfang »

IC: Z? You know if those pigs do fly? Think you'd have to chain their bacon to the plate? Hmmmm....

Oh, Divebomb. Sorry, I wasn't paying much attention. At least you can speak decent English, and don't rely almost solely on a 'gangsta rapper' slang that, in all honesty, makes M&M look like Dr. Dre.

Now... as far as the NWA runnin' the show, it isn't gonna stay that way for long. If indeed it is that way at all. Look, we could have beaten you two bitchboys into gangsta patty with a side order of hardcore boredom at the end of that match you had with UPF and A-Train. But we're above you tricks...

See, beating you after you'd had a match and we were fresh would mean nothing. It is the kind of disgusting and dishonourable thing we expect of you, but we don't want to do that. Leastways, not yet...

At LotM, you'd better get ready for the fight of your lives. Because- and you should take heed of this -win, lose or draw, we are going to beat the message into your empty skulls that Blood & Thunder can take you down no matter when and where. Remember that.