[Original RPG] The God Gambit Revisited

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The God Gambit Revisited

Post by Quick Switch »

Astrotrain smoothly soared out of Cybertron's atmosphere, and in a few seconds, the remains of the Moons was nothing but a blur.

The Triple Changer flew quickly, with a sense of purpose. The cold of space gripped about his metallic frame, but Astrotrain did not feel the cold. Instead, he felt exhiliration.

Once I secure the Power Crystals for the Decepticons, the Autobots will be vanquished forever!

Astrotrain's computer brain hummed with plans and plots, Pluto and Neptune passed him...
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Astrotrain anged around Uranus, and sighted Saturn; the Triple Changer applied less thrust and decelerrated slightly, primarily using impulse power.

Taking a moment to appreciate Saturn's size, Astrotrain locked in on Titan's position, and began the easy re-entry process.

After taking a moment to re-orient himself, Astrotrain used his memory of the planet (and then, realizing that massive explosions from the Power Crystal detonations had taken place shortly before he had retreated) calculated the probable location of the main village.

After flying a few more hundred yards, he found it; Titanese society had certainly advanced from when last Astrotrain stumbled upon it. Sleek, scientific buildings jutted into the sky.

Perhaps the Autobots contributed help to the science-lovers? the Decepticon pondered. No matter. When I'm finished with this place, it'll be a reactionary's paradise!

Astrotrain landed on the outskirts of the village. Transforming to his robot mode, the Triple Changer strode confidently into the village, as no defensive weaponry was sighted....
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Titan, Capital City:

Under the leadership of Talaria, the civilization had made gains, if not exactly flourishing. The previous all-powerful Religious Order of the Sky Gods was officially banned, and the acolytes jailed. Among their number was the Chief Priest, Jero. Talaria's leadership has met with bitterness and hostility to the new generation, young Titanese of 2016 who eagerly listen to the tales of Jero, sitting in the Titan City Prison, exhorting of better times had in 1985.

And these youths believe him. Science has not led to progress, but stagnation, even if their are better buildings to show for it. The people hunger for a salve for the psyche, and the soul. Jero promises them a way. He merely waits for a sign, and an emissary of the powers.

Astrotrain will not disappoint...


Striding into the main square of Titan City, Astrotrain opened his arms wide and bellowed:

"People of Titan, The Sky God has returned!"

The numerous Titanese citizens in the bustling square are paralyzed. Many of the older generation flee, and head to the Capital Building, where Talaria's government is located. The young, however, are swayed, and fall to their knees as a show of respect.

One youth, more fanatical than the others, bows low. Astrotrain points.

"Boy, where is the Chief Priest known as Jero?"

"Priest Jero is imprisoned by the aethists in the Prison!" The boy replies.

"Come with your God, Boy! You are now Chief Acolyte, Member at Large of the New Church! Rally your comrades and free your Priest! Let no heretic stand in your way!" Astrotrain booms.

The boy rises and, with robes flapping, summons a mob of twenty like-minded youths, who descend upon the prison, batting aside the guards (all female) and holding them. Inside the main cell block are the priests and Jero.

Jero has aged since the many decades since Astrotrain's arrival. His purple skin has become more sallowed. His beard is white and long, body frail. His rich robes are gone, replaced with a gray tunic. He stirs.

"What is the meaning of this?" Jero rasps.

"The Sky God has returned!" The Chief Acolyte screams with glee, unlocking the cell.

Jero staggers out, ecstatic.

"You see! My prophecies were correct! The Great Sky God has returned, to lead Titan against the aethiest Talarians!"

The boy-mob acolytes cheer wildly, jeering the captive female guards, and throwing them in the prison. The older priests are released, who express their thanks through prayer and weeping.


Later, Jero is brought before Astrotrain, still standing imperiously in the square. Jero bows low.

"Astrotrain, mightiest of the Sky Gods... you have returned!"

"Indeed, Jero," Astrotrain inclines his head. "You have served me well...and have kept the faith, through all adversity!"

The acolytes cheer wildly. Jero rises, and smiles weakly.

"I...am sorry that I failed you last time, great one. This time, I will not be lacking!" Jero balled his fists.

"The error has been forgiven," Astrotrain replied, both beings understanding that the events of Astrotrain's retreat need not be said.

The Chief Acolyte brought forth Jero's old robes.

"Oh Chief Priest, your robes!"

Jero gingerly stepped into them. He swelled to his full height, regal and commanding. The populace quavered, but the mob of boys began chanting with glee. The old priests assembled behind their leader.

"And this," the young Chief Acolyte brought forth on a purple cushion Jero's tri-progned sacraficial dagger. Jero took it up with his right hand and raised it high, crying:

"The Order of the Sky Gods is hereby re-established! The Talarian regime has ended! Heretics are now Enemies of the People, and shall face the wrath of the Order!"

Many of the older Titanese became grim, but said nothing. Some of the boys ran to the Government building, and dragged out Talaria, and some of the other old rebels. Talaria had aged; though she remained striking, her hair was gray.

Talaria, struggling, lashed out at Astrotrain.

"YOU! Mechanical meddler! You bewitch the youth of my people with your religious myths to support a theocracy of corruption! Have you no shame!"

"Silence, heretic!" Astrotrain spat. "Your regime has failed on promises it could not deliver- but now I, Astrotrain- Supreme Sky God, have returned to guide these Chosen People to a better life...and you are powerless to stop me, worm!"

Talaria flinched at Astrotrain's speech. Jero pointed with his left hand.

"Talaria, aethiest, scientific revolutionary, rebel to the Order of the Sky Gods and blasphemer of the Sky God: you are condemned to death!" Jero snarled.

Meanwhile, all Titanese in the Capital City flocked to the square. The old were pale and nervous, the young joyous, flocking around Astrotrain, touching him and weeping with delight. Astrotrain tolerated the contact, since it mostly came from children. Good for the image of the benevolent deity.

"Let her be sacraficed unto me, as your atonement, Jero!" Astrotrain smiled, optics blood red. Jero's face split into a revenge-filled grin. Talaria blanched.

"So it is spoken, so it is done!" Jero called out. "Bring Talaria to the Sacraficial Area!"

Talaria was hauled away, and all the Titanese ran to the spot by the old church. Jero and the priests walked solemnly chanting, Jero holding the dagger aloft. Astrotrain strode along behind, still surrounded by eager children.


Ten minutes later, all the Titanese- even the former government members and guards (who were held by the mass of male acolytes) were seated in a wide ampitheater; talking tunderously Elder priests ringed the sacraficial area. Talaria was tied down on an ornate stone slab, filled with astronomical runes and symbols. Her futuristic unfiorm was replaced with her old clothing, worn as a rebel. Jero stood on a clearly marked side of the slab, muttering incantations.

Astrotrain was seated on a massive granite throne, gazing down upon the proceedings on a special part of the ampitheater. The young children were clustered at his feet.

Suddenly, the crowd became hushed. Jero stood opposite Astrotrain; the priest gazed upward. Astrotrain nodded from his throne. Jero raised up the dagger.

"I, Jero, Chief Priest of the Order of the Sky Gods, offer up this sacrafice of Talaria, Archheretic, to the Supreme Sky God!"

"Your sacrafice is accepted, Priest!" Astrotrain bellowed. The children leaned forwardly eagerly. What fun!

Jero began to mumble the incantation, making circular movements of the dagger around Talaria's chest. Talaria writhed and attempted to break free.

"No...you cannot do this! You are leading our people astray, Jero! Your theorcracy will only cause the destruction of our people! Astrotrain is simply using you know, as he did the last time!"

Jero began chanting faster and faster. Talaria screamed:

"People of Titan, do not be swayed! Help me!"

But the old stayed silent, cowed by fear. The pleas fell on the deaf ears of the young.

"Damn you Autobots, for forsaking my people!" Talaria arched her head back in one last scream.

Jero plunged the knife into Talaria's right breast; blood splattered his robes. A blood pool formed on the altar. Jero raised the knife, which contained Talaria's heart. Jero smiled, and bowed to Astrotrain.

The people burst into a great roar of glee. Hats and shawls flew in the air; Titanese grasped each other with happiness. The former rulers were silent.

The children, howerver, looked up at Astrotrain and clapped with joy.

Astrotrain himself gazed down at his subjects, optics flashing.

And the Sky God smiled.
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The Ceremony had ended; however Telaria's corpse remained on the altar as a reminder of the New Order on Titan.

Astrotrain, along with Jero and the Acolytes, examined the secret Power Crystal mines.

"So, these are all the deposits, Priest?" Astrotrain crossed his arms.

"Most of them, Mighty Astrotrain," Jero answered, stroking his beard. "Telaria's rebels only found a fraction of the real Power Crystal deposits."

"Have the executions been carried out?" Astrotrain looked up at the mine, where some Power Crystals had formed stalagmite/tite formations.

"Yes, Sky God!" The fanatical Chief Acolyte anwered. "The heads of the blasphemers were mounted in the Government Building this afternoon, on your orders!"

"Very good!" Astrotrain smiled down at the young fanatic. "Begin the mining of the Power Crystals immediately. I have use for them, in my celestial home. Do not delay!"

The Chief Acolyte, along with a contingent of normal Titanese, began haresting the Crystals, putting them carefully into sealed baskets.

Jero remained to supervise; Astrotrain returned to Titan City, to sit on his throne and bask in the praise of the Titanese.

This is even better the second time around! the Triple Changer mused.
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Astrotrain sat on his throne, surrounded by throngs of sallow-skinnned Titanese children. The grizzly backdrop of the sacrificial altar made the contrast all the more striking.

A few young men (those not considered official acolytes) stood a few feet away. The older Titanese sat on their knees.

The counter-revolution, such as it was, had ended in a relatively quick bloodletting. The acolytes stationed in the City had executed the remaning ministers located in the Government building. The guards who resisted their brutalizing were also put to the knife. Some did submit, and were released freely into the population, though relieved of their responsibilities. The bodies of the former officials/rebels were heaped next to Talaria's body still on the altar.

The Triple Changer gazed donward, still incredulous about the whole affair.

What a strange trip it's been. And yet, the opertation has proceeded smoothly enough. Lord Teratron will be pleased once I return.

Astrotrain held out his hands in a gesture of benevolent wisdom.

"People of Titan, I, the Sky God, must now leave for a time to return to my celestial home."

"Why, Sky God?" A tiny girl asked, close to tears. "Will I never see you again?"

Astrotrain reacted as if he had been swatted by Omega Supreme, or grappled by Sky Lynx. (He'd been through both, and if asked, Astrotrain would tell a casual listener- in the old days it had been Blitzwing or Octane- that the pain index was remarkably similar in both instances, though Omega didn't wax philosophic while beating the tar out of him; the pretentious Lieutenant Commander dinosaur-lynx, however, went on and on...)

"I...shall return shortly, little one," Astrotrain frowned.

By the Matrix...these worms actually do revere me! I am the surrogate religious figure!

Astrotrain stood, and lowered a pinky finger to the girl, who grasped it eagerly; almost hugging the cold digit. Astrotrain had to fight off conflicting waves of utter revulsion (that flesh creature was actually touching him) but at the same time a pecular sense of parternalism.

The Titanese were worms, after all; but they were Astrotrain's worms. Which made all the difference.

Astrotrain raised his arm, and the girl reluctantly let go. The people clustered around her chattering.

"She's been touched by the Sky God...she's got a great destiny ahead of her...maybe we should make her our Oracle..."

Astrotrain's cynical CPU hummed back into full throttle.

Once Jero arrives back at the City and becomes aware of my little symbolic gesture, he will probably incorporate the youngling into the Sky God cult. Better control over the people that way. Better for everyone involved.

Even so, as Astrotrain walked out of the village toward the Crystal Mines, a small amount of coolant leaked from each optic.

Ignored by the people and unseen by Astrotrain, the little girl wept at the attention shown to her by the giant robot.
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Astrotrain approached the Power Crystal caves; at the entrance Jero and the acolytes directed the efforts of the mainstream Titanese efforts to collect the crystals.

"Report!" Astrotrain commanded.

"All goes well, O Sky God!" The Chief Acolyte turned and bowed. "We have harvested at least twenty loads for your transport!"

Astrotrain crossed his arms. The load holders were large industrial strength drums, about as large as Rumble or Frenzy in height.

"That will do for now."

Any more and the trip might become hazardous. Besides, the Constructicons will have to take a look at them...but after I present them to Lord Teratron.

Astrotrain transformed to his shuttle mode.

"Store them in my hold! Now!"

The acolytes whipped the Titanese workers into a frenzy with threats, and soon all twenty drums were painstakingly loaded. The workers left the hold, and Astrotrain shut his aft hatch.

"Very well, Priest. Your workforce has done well. When I return, I expect an even larger harvest for my use."

"It shall be done!" Jero bowed with a flourish, followed by the acolytes and workers.

Accelerating slowly, Astrotrain roared off from Titan at a steady ascent, and soon was nothing more than a speck on the horizon.

"What now, Priest Jero?" The Chief Acolyte asked.

Jero signaled to two other acolytes, who restrained the Chief Acolyte.

"What is this? The Sky God appointed me Chief Acolyte!" the Chief Acolyte struggled mightily.

"You are a fanatic and enemy of the Order! Your vigor is too great, and that vigor, young fool, must be tempered...by your death!" Jero laughed, and pointed toward an empty mine.

The two smirking acolytes dragged the former chief to the opening of the vertical shaft, which plunged hundreds of feet into the core of the planet.

"Throw the revolutionary in!" Jero ordered imperiously, flicking his hands out in a gesture of shooing away a pest.

With a great heave, the two acolytes did just that.

Letting out a strangled scream, the former chief acolyte hurtled into the shaft, and his last scream became magnified as he fell.

The two acolytes returned to the mine site, and with their brethren, proceeded to acost the Titanese laborers back to work.

Jero crossed his arms as a smile played across his withered face.

The Sky God would have approved...

Jero laughed as the harvesting of the Power Crystals continued...


This story is dedicated to the original Classic Tranformers Episode "The God Gambit" written by Buzz Dixon.
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Post by Cryhavoc »

A lone shuttle entered through Titan's atmosphere and deactivated the stealth field surrounding it as it landed near to the temple of the Skygod. The door of the shuttle's cargobay opened and formed a ramp that led to the ground.

Then a shadow was laid down on the ramp and Divebomb stepped through the doorway to the ramp and jumped down from it, taking a glance at this surroundings.

"So... this is Titan."

"Looks boring." Headstrong snorted as he exited the shuttle, followed closely by Tantrum who had disapproving look on his face.

Headstrong and Tantrum had barely the time to jump down from the ramp before Rampage bounced out from the shuttle in his tiger mode, his optics glowing of interest. "Boring? Look at all those fleshy creatures to hunt down!"

"Calm yourself Rampage." Razorclaw snarled and jumped out from the shuttle, not bothering to walk down the ramp. "We have a mission to perform. Fun has to wait."
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Mindwipe exited the shuttle and transformed to bat mode, his sensors were more acute in this form.

"Blah...the dead...speak to me easily here...yes..." the Headmaster turned his bathead toward the temple.

"You must admit Razorclaw- Astrotrain has succeeded where ewery other Decepticion has failed...conquering an entire civilization." The hypnotist flew down out of the shuttle next to Razorclaw.

In the main Skygod Temple, the High Priest Jero was busy writing the new Covenant of the Sky God on a small series of tablets

"And ye, verily, the Sky God said unto the Faithful: "Destroy the heretics!"

"And lo, the Faithful obeyed, and the heretics were cast out forever..."

Jero stopped writing as the shuttle landed. He left the temple and was surprised as more of the gods had appeared. They wore the same symbol as the Great Sky God, so they were to be trusted.

Jero placed his hands in his robes.

"I am Jero, Chief Priest of the Great Sky God. What brings you here to Titan? Do you come on business of the Sky God?"
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Razorclaw stepped forwards and pointed his sword towards Jero's head, his golden visor glowing eeriely.

"Bow before the Envoys of the mighty Sky God for he has send us to see that his will shall be done!" Razorclaw spoke as the other Predacons crossed their hands and looked down at the high priest...
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Jero hastily prostrated himself before the Predacons and Mindwipe.

"Of course, Mighty Ones! What does the Sky God command of me, his servant?"
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Razorclaw grinned amusedly behind his mask as looked down at the pitiful creature bowing before him.

"The Sky God demands powercrystals as sacrifices... as a price for his good will and protection towards the people of Titan to continue in the future. Have you been carrying out the will of the Sky God priest?" Razorclaw spoke, noticing that some of his troops had hard time not to start laughing.
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Jero slowly rose so he was kneeling on the hard Titanese ground.

"Oh yes, Envoy! The Sky God took twenty barrels filled with Power Crystals with him on his last visit to us, and my Acolytes-with the regular people- have been harvesting at least the same number, though it has taken longer."

Mindwipe thought about shushing some of the Predacon warriors from laughing, but decided against it.

Vhat's the point? At least Razorclaw didn't kill this Jero the instant he saw him.

Mindwipe spoke to Jero, stepping forward next to Razorclaw:

"Blah, you hawe done vell. Stand, for you are the most important sewant of the Great Sky God."

Jero stood, shakily.

"Do you require rest, Mighty Ones?" He asked Razorclaw.
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Razorclaw's sword disappeared to subspace as the Predacons leader decided that there was no need to intimidate the priest anymore.

"We accept your humble offering priest in the name of the Sky God." Razorclaw spoke and transformed into his lion mode.

"Show us the way to the palace of the Sky God."
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Jero smiled, and placed his hands in his robes.

"Thank you Envoys! You are as merciful as you are powerful!" Jero turned and pointed a few hundred feet away.

A large temple, still being worked on, was fit to house several Transformer sized beings. A large statute of Astrotrain in robot mode, hands on hips gazing imperiously over the landscape, stood in front. It was pretty much to scale.

"There is the Palace of the Sky God! Rest there, O Great Ones!"

Mindwipe fluttered along after Jero.

"Impressive," he said aloud.
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"Good enough." Headstrong snorted as he walked slowly towards the palace in his rhino mode.

Razorclaw switched his speech to cybertronian so that Jero could not understand what he was saying. "What do you think of this Mindwipe? Perhaps we should go to see how much these creatures have gathered powercrystals for us... what is our point staying here if we load our ship full with the crystals they have already storaged for us?"
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Mindwipe turned and communicated in the same language to Razorclaw.

"Because, Razorclaw, Astrotran suspects an Autobot attack. It's been too long since he dominated the planet. They are bound to show up here, sooner or later. And when they do, our job is to repel them. For better or worse, we are the Guardians of Titan for the time being."
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"Bah... politics." Headstrong snorted at Mindwipe and Razorclaw's discussion, which caused Razorclaw growl angrily.

"I understand Mindwipe... shouldn't we still have our shuttle boarded already so it would be ready if we need to leave with haste?" The Predacon commander spoke as they walked towards the temple of the Sky God...
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Mindwipe nodded.

"Excellent point, Razorclaw. Would you mind dispatching, say, Divebomb and Rampage for the task?"
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Razorclaw gave his Predacons an order to stop advancing and spoke. "Jero... the Sky God would appreciate if you show the way for Envoys Divebomb and Rampage to your powercrystal storages... also I recommend you to spare some of the loyal supporters of Sky God to help them."
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Jero nodded.

"Of course, Great One. On the outskirts of this city, you will find a complex of caves. The Power Crystal veins are there, and you will find most of the population of the city harvesting them for you. All the barrels are placed outside the city- for we do not possess many heavy machines-for storage."